1. O owner of time who makes a servant of it
And armies when they gain control over its soldiers
١. يا مالكاً صرف الزمان عبده
والنائبات حين تسطو جنده
2. If speeches boil down, you are their cream
Or if mention is fair, you are its brightness
٢. إن مخض الخطب فأنت زبده
أو حسن الذكر فأنت نده
3. To you belong beauty and dew, I count them yours
And a flood of generosity that cannot be numbered
٣. لك الجميل والندى أعتده
وفيض جود ليس يحصى عده
4. And good tidings of a cheerful, delighted face
An unvanquished warrior whose weapon cannot be blunted
٤. وبشر وجه رائق فرنده
محش حرب ليس يكبو زنده
5. A sword whose edge cannot be dulled
And one faithful who does not break his pact
٥. وصارم ليس يفل حده
وذو وفاء لا يحل عقده
6. He built what his glorious ancestors built
And continued what he constructed for his children's joy
٦. شيد ما أس المجير جده
وما بناه لبنيه سعده
7. And consulted, more generous than those he consulted
Qahtan, though their ancestry is glorious
٧. وشاور أكرم من تعده
قحطان إن فاخرها معده
8. Indeed Solomon came to me, replenishing
Before he could strike my hearing with his promise
٨. إن سليمان أتاني رفده
من قبل أن يقرع سمعي وعده
9. Like a cloud from which thunder is hidden
Until it cloaked the earth in a garment of plenty
٩. مثل سحاب غاب عنه رعده
حتى كسا الأرض قميصاً رغده
10. Bringing his barley, wheat, and money
Voluntarily, inspecting when none heed my call thereafter
١٠. وقد أتى شعيره وقنده
تبرعاً وقمحه ونقده
11. An honor which crowned his glory
Above the honorable, though they begrudged him
١١. تفقداً لا راع سمعي بعده
مكرمة حلق فيها مجده
12. And poetry is my maid, though I am its servant
Binding me to thank and praise him
١٢. فوق السماك وأسف ضده
والشعر عبدي غير أني عبده
١٣. فرض علي شكره وحمده