1. The first shock, so whoever shows patience
At its horror, his reward is multiplied
١. هي الصدمة الأولى فمن بان صبره
على هول ملقاها تضاعف أجره
2. Death, loss, and separation are inevitable
And sorrow kindles its embers with tears
٢. ولابد من موت وفوت وفرقة
ووجد بماء العين يوقد جمره
3. No consolation for one whose beloved dies
Nothing can relieve the heart of its worries and thoughts
٣. وما يتسلى من يموت حبيبه
بشيء ولا يخلو من الهم من الهم فكره
4. Yet it is a wound whose healing is difficult
A broken wing, beyond hope of mending
٤. ولكنه جرح يعز اندماله
وكسر جناح لا يؤمل جبره
5. Mourn Wednesday morning, for it
Smiled at the mouth of death, its dawn
٥. أذم صباح الأربعاء فإنه
تبسم عن ثغر المنية فجره
6. Misfortune struck the guiding star in its constellation
The dense, lofty skies collapsed because of it
٦. أصاب الهدى في نجمه بمصيبة
تداعى سماك الجو منها ونسره
7. It impoverished the people of the earth, the giver of wealth
When the needy lost hope and his poverty intensified
٧. وأفقر أهل الأرض من باذل الغنى
إذا قنط المحتاج واشتد فقره
8. We lost the father of Islam, the king, the brilliance
And the ape of time left us and took its lute
٨. عدمنا أبا الإسلام والملك والندى
وفارقنا قرد الزمان ووتره
9. So do not blame us, and excuse us, for whoever cries
Over the loss of Job, his excuse is evident
٩. فلا تعذلونا واعذرونا فمن بكى
على فقد أيوب فقد بان عذره
10. When our hearts were burdened by any matter
His hands and chest resolved it for us
١٠. وكنا إذا ضاقت بأمر صدورنا
تكفله منا يداه وصدره
11. If our days and faces frowned
He walked among us to make peace with his good tidings
١١. وإن عبست أيامنا ووجوهنا
مشى بيننا في معرض الصلح بشره
12. He stationed his horses at the Euphrates' work
Watering them at the Nile of the beloved Egypt
١٢. أقام بأعمال الفرات وخيله
يراع بها نيل العزيز ومصره
13. Until his brother cast them with loathing
And the people of the Cross saw his fangs and triumph
١٣. إلى أن رماها من أخيه بضيغم
فرى نابه أهل الصليب وظفره
14. When he fulfilled the life and kingdom of the beloved
By your command in attaining then ordering it
١٤. فلما قضى نحبي حياة ودولة
بأمرك في إدراكها ثم أمره
15. You both succeeded Egypt, like rain succeeds rain
That spends the night dripping the Nile's drops
١٥. تعاقبتما مصراً تعاقب وابل
يبيت بقطر النيل ينهل قطره
16. You descended in the land of his encampment and settled it
So your singing is his singing and your palace his palace
١٦. نزلت بدار حلها فحللتها
فمغناك مغناه وقصرك قصره
17. And you kept him alive and dead in the land
So your grave is in the Abode of Permanence and his grave there
١٧. وواخيته في البر حياً وميتاً
فقبرك في دار القرار وقبره
18. You made the people of Al-Baqi stand for you two
Otherwise, it would have been the inhabitants of stone graves
١٨. وقد شخصت أهل البقيع إليكما
وإلا فسكان الحجون وحجره
19. Congratulations to the king who died in might
His power was above other men and his worth
١٩. هنيئاً لملك مات والعز عزه
وقدرته فوق الرجال وقدره
20. He attained the purpose of a long life
He only lived long in God's satisfaction
٢٠. وأدرك من طول الحياة مراده
وما طال إلا في رضى الله عمره
21. The happiest of God's creations is one who dies after
Seeing in his sons' sons what delights him
٢١. وأسعد خلق الله من مات بعدما
رأى في بني أبنائه ما يسره
22. A martyr who met his Lord in a fast
So his breakfast was with the people of martyrdom
٢٢. شهيد تلقى ربه وهو صائم
فكان على أهل الشهادة فطره
23. He passed while pleased with you, his heart
Was not straitened by anger or rage
٢٣. مضى وهو راض عنك لم ترم صدره
بضيق ولا جاشت من الغيظ قدره
24. After him, eight of the greatest protected
The sanctuary of Islam and the faith, mighty their victory
٢٤. حمى حوزة الإسلام والدين بعده
ثمانية من أجلهم عز نصره
25. Take their number from me, for in their good deeds
And beneficence is that which cannot be enumerated
٢٥. فخذ حصرهم مني ففي حسناتهم
وإحسانهم ما ليس يمكن حصره
26. Forgive me, for prose has latitude in composition
That makes verse long with its meaning
٢٦. وسامح فللتركيب في النثر فسحة
يطول بمعناها على النظم نثره
27. I followed rhyme out of obedience and necessity
So do not fault me for those I delayed mentioning
٢٧. تبعت القوافي طاعة وضرورة
فلا تلحني فيمن تأخر ذكره
28. Among his supporters are his might, piety
And swords, among them al-Salih and his pride
٢٨. فمن ناصريه عزه وتقيه
وسيفاه منهم والصلاح وفخره
29. They are the people of resolution and authority, time
Rolls up to their command and spreads it
٢٩. أولئك أهل الحل والعقد ينتهي
إلى أمرهم طي الزمان ونشره
30. And his protectors, his pole and his flame
When he needs the belt tightened, their support
٣٠. ومن كافليه قطبه وشهابه
إذا بات محتاجاً إلى الشد أزره
31. The two brothers of Job, and the king whom
He succeeded, born after him
٣١. هما أخوا أيوب والملك الذي
أتى بهما تلواً له وهو بكره
32. None superior to al-Husayn, but only
His time came after him
٣٢. وما حسن فوق الحسين وإنما
تأخر عنه بالولادة عصره
33. If he left a single son, the best of mankind
His son-in-law would not have deserved the succession
٣٣. ولو خلف ابناً واحداً سيد الورى
لما حاز ميراث الخلافة صهره
34. His uncle and cousin would not have contested
Him for it, until the gathering of all on Judgment Day
٣٤. ولم يتنازع عمه وابن عمه
عليها إلى أن يجمع الخلق حشره
35. So what of the vile family of Ayyub and its lion?
The world's fear of them is evident and manifest
٣٥. فكيف بخيس آل أيوب أسده
لقد بان خوف الدهر منهم وذعره
36. By God, He created a star recognizing the sun as its father
And the moon's light is from it and its blossoms
٣٦. وعلى الله نجماً تعرف الشمس أنه
أبوها ونور البدر منها وزهره
37. And the Al-Nasiri abode remains, for it is
For your state a treasure of hope and store
٣٧. وأبقى المقام الناصري فإنه
لدولتكم كنز الرجاء وذخره
38. He poured upon the days the best conduct
By which the injustice of time and its betrayal die
٣٨. أفاض على الأيام أحسن سيرة
يموت بها جور الزمان وغدره
39. When tribulations come from God, wisdom should
Thank God for them and show gratitude
٣٩. إذا كانت البلوى من الله فليكن
من الحزم حمد الله فيها وشكره