
I implore you while worries persistently linger,

أناجيك والهم الدخيل مقيم

1. I implore you while worries persistently linger,
And I call upon you while true patience is ill.

١. أناجيك والهم الدخيل مقيم
وأدعوك والصبر الصحيح سقيم

2. The world's mercy has hardened. So time does not show
Compassion toward me, nor is the Merciful one merciful.

٢. قست رأفة الدنيا فلا الدهر عاطف
علي ولا عبد الرحيم رحيم

3. May God forgive him for blocking sustenance
With what he has permitted, though speech belittles me.

٣. عفا الله عن آرائه كل فترة
كلام العدى فيها علي كلوم

4. And pardon him for cutting off provision from His bounty,
Which I had attained while time was hurtful.

٤. وسامحه في قطع رزق بفضله
وصلت إليه والزمان ذميم

5. Oh! Does he have any compassion for me? For I
Am poor toward what I was accustomed to being without.

٥. ألا هل له عطف علي فإنني
فقير إلى ما اعتدت منه عديم

6. Oh! Send us an amulet verse for anxiety's serpent
For you are safe from the secure night's darkness.

٦. ألا هب لنا من حية الهم رقية
فإنك من ليل السليم سليم