
I speak not out of vanity for what

قلت وما قصدي رياء بما

1. I speak not out of vanity for what
I say about people, nor for fame,

١. قلت وما قصدي رياء بما
أقول في الناس ولا سمعة

2. He is a handsome camel whose days
were spent in generosity, awe and honor.

٢. جمل ورد جيد أيامه
بالجود والهيبة والمنعة

3. The brightness of the king's palms beside him
is like the morning sun making candles useless.

٣. ضاءت كفاة الملك في جنبه
كالصبح يغنيك عن الشمعة

4. How much kindness he added to kindness,
and many great deeds followed by more.

٤. كم منة أردفها منة
ووقعة أتبعها وقعة

5. Crowned, his actions reveal
the generosity of his nature and upbringing.

٥. متوج تعرب أفعاله
عن كرم الطينة والنبعة

6. He approaches us while those of high rank and status
trail behind, lower than him.

٦. يدنو إلينا والسها دونه
في شرف الرتبة والرفعة

7. Continue speaking to him with kindness,
for you are the most deserving of sympathy.

٧. خاطب إحسانك مسترسلاً
وأنت أولى الناس بالشفقة