1. Her sadness eased, and her love and passion grew
After enduring the pangs of yearning and torment
١. سهلت حزونة وجده وغرامه
من بعد شرة شوقه وعرامه
2. Her youth poured out after holding back
When the hand of desire took the reins
٢. صب تحامته الصبابة بعدما
ملكت يد الأشواق فضل زمامه
3. And when the coldness of youth leaves the young man
Songs of love cease their play
٣. وإذا انطوى برد الشباب عن الفتى
لم ترع غانية عهود ذمامه
4. It is the way of days that the companion of youth
Is like a dream in wakefulness or slumber
٤. خلق من الأيام أن أخا الصبا
من عمره في يقظة كمنامه
5. And time will not give you its sweet milk
Without following it with the bitterness of weaning
٥. والدهر لا يسقيك حلو رضاعه
إلا ويعقبه بمر فطامه
6. So when the ignorant night darkens and you find
No refuge from its darkness and gloom
٦. فإذا دجا الليل البهيم ولم تجد
لك ملجأ من ظلمه وظلامه
7. Then meet the dawns of time with its full moons
And turn aside its worries as they come and go
٧. فتلق بادرة الزمان ببدره
واصرف هموم صروفه بهمامه
8. With a supporter whom armies follow
And before whom armies of fear march
٨. بمؤيد تسري الجيوش وراءه
ويسير جيش الرعب من قدامه
9. Victory flashes from the blades of his swords
And triumph flutters from the tips of his banners
٩. والنصر يلمع من ظبى أسيافه
والفتح يعلم من ذرى أعلامه
10. A king whom you see other kings bow down in dread
And forced to kiss the dirt where his feet tread
١٠. ملك ترى الأملاك تسجد خيفة
منه وترغم عند لثم رغامه
11. The mighty are humbled by his mighty power
And the great are made small by his greatness
١١. ذلت لعز متوج من يعرب
تتصاغر العظماء من إعظامه
12. Fate runs its course according to his preference
Destroying at times, and at others showing clemency
١٢. يجري القضاء بمقتضى إيثاره
في نقضه طوراً وفي إبرامه
13. He is gentle when at peace, fearsome when at war
Advancing or holding back like gathering clouds
١٣. يفتر يغر الدست حين يحله
عن أبلج طلق الندى بسامه
14. War's lion is tormented by his piercing blades
And peace's lambs are fed at his gatherings
١٤. هو عمدة الملك العقيم وذخره ال
باقي وجامع شمله ونظامه
15. His horses' hooves thunder around his tents
And hopes gather in his encampments
١٥. وكأن در التاج حول جبينه
زهر تحف البدر عنه تمامه
16. Scenes of him standing fast as pigeons took flight
Fleeing from or bravely facing the enemy
١٦. وحسامه الماضي وهضبة عزه
العليا وذروة مجده وسنامه
17. Battalions of support surround him
Whether they come from front or from behind
١٧. وإذا طرا خطب فليس معول
إلا على تشميره وقيامه
18. How many pure abodes of victory
Clear the darkness of night with the dawn
١٨. ملك سمت غسان بالشرفين من
أجداده قدماً ومن أعمامه
19. The hypocrite's fraud was pierced by his sincerity
And the demon's wiles faded from his mind
١٩. حازت به قصب الرهان وأحرزت
حظ المعلى من قداح سهامه
20. His lofty determinations and liberating deeds
Matched the determination of the victorious to achieve their hopes
٢٠. أضحت صحائف كتبه كصفاحه
فتكاً وغرب لسانه كحسامه
21. The lion of Hubaik the Sabre took the pride
Of his ancestors, and of his paternal uncles
٢١. كتب تراع بها الكتائب كلما
صدرت إلى الإقليم عن أقلامه
22. With him the race was won, and the highest fortune
Secured from the cast of fate's arrows
٢٢. ومهابة أغناه شائع ذكرها
وكفاه يوم الروع جر لهامه
23. His writings have become like an unsheathed sword
And his tongue as sharp as an Indian blade
٢٣. ومواقف وقف الحمام مخبراً
عن كره فيها وعن إقدامه
24. Scripts that make battalions tremble whenever
They come forth from his pen to the lands
٢٤. يلقى المدرع في الكريهة حاسراً
متلثماً بالنقع فوق لثامه
25. And his feared reputation that suffices him
In the heat of battle against the enemy host
٢٥. وكتائب التأييد محدقة به
أنى أتى من خلفه وأمامه
26. Scenes where he faced the pigeons in combat
Sometimes fleeing, sometimes showing valour
٢٦. كم للمظفر من مقام أبيض
يجلو صباح النصر ليل قتامه
27. Fully armed where the coward approaches lightly
Veiled except for his eyes above his face-cover
٢٧. ومنافق شمخ النفاق بأنفه
وسرت رقى الشيطان في أوهامه
28. While his supporting troops watch closely
Whether they come at him from front or behind
٢٨. رامت عزائمه العلى واعتاقه
عزم المظفر عن بلوغ مرامه
29. How often the victorious had noble stands
Where dawn dispelled the darkness of night
٢٩. ليث حبيك السابري عرينه
ومثقفات السمر من آجامه
30. The hypocrite's fraud was blunted by his sincerity
And the demon's wiles faded from his mind
٣٠. قسم الندى والبأس قسمة عادل
لم يرض حكم الجور في أحكامه
31. His lofty goals and liberating zeal
Matched the determination of the victorious to attain their hopes
٣١. فيصول في العزمات حد حسامه
ويصوب في الزمات وبل غمامه
32. The lion of Hubaik took up his sword
Adorned with its decorated scabbard
٣٢. والحرب يشقى أسدها بطعانه
والسلم ينعم وفدها بطعامه
33. He divided favour and calamity with justice
And did not accept the rule of tyranny in his laws
٣٣. تردى الجياد القب حول قبابه
وتخيم الآمال عند خيامه
34. So he rages fiercely when resolved on war
And aims true when the clouds gather
٣٤. حرم أقام الجود أركان الندى
ما بين ركنيه وبين مقامه
35. War's lion is tormented by his stabs
And peace's lambs are fed at his feasts
٣٥. يرعى سوام الظن نبت جميمه
الأمرى ويكرع من نمير جمامه
36. Horses mill around his tent poles
And hopes gather in his encampments
٣٦. لا ذنب عندي للزمان وقد غدا
بدر بن رزيك كريم كرامه
37. A sanctuary wherein he established the pillars of munificence
Between its corners and his standing place
٣٧. لمت الزمان فلم تزل أقدامه
حتى غفرت به ذنوب لئامه
38. He pastures the flocks of good opinion on his meadows
And fattens them on the plants of his bounty
٣٨. أنكرت معنى البخل منذ عرفته
وعرفت معنى الجود من إنعامه
39. I have no fault to find with time
Now that Badr bin Rizik is its noble star
٣٩. أملت قاصية الغنى فبلغتها
وخدمت حين غدوت من خدامه
40. Time persisted in its course
Until I was able to forgive its misdeeds
٤٠. وتيقنت نوب الليالي أنني
لا أتقي الأيام في أيامه
41. From the moment I comprehended greed
I rejected it, and understood the meaning of generosity from his gifts
٤١. وأنالني الشرف الرفيع وجاوز ال
أمل الذي حاولت من إكرامه
42. I aspired to the farthest reach of wealth, and attained it
And served when I entered into his service
٤٢. أغنى ابتداء نداء عن قولي له
ما أحوج البادي إلى إتمامه
43. And I was certain that the turns of nights and days
Would not find me shirking in my duties to him
٤٣. وسقى غليل الحظ بعد أوامه
وشفى عليل المدح بعد سقامه
44. And sublime honour beyond what I had hoped for in my striving
For his patronage came to me
٤٤. وحللت منه بذروة العز الذي
يعلو الحلول به علي مقامه
45. The least of my words to him suffice
To proclaim the needy man's want for their completion
٤٥. فرأيت رب الملك حين رأيته
وسمعت ما يملي شريف كلامه
And quenched the thirst of poetic fortune after its drought
٤٦. يا فارس الإسلام دعوة خادم
أعدمته الموجود من إعدامه
47. And cured the illness of panegyric after its sickness
And I gained from him the pinnacle of that glory
٤٧. هنيت من رجب قدوم سعادة
قدمت بأجر صيامه وقيامه
48. That transcends all glories in its loftiness
So I saw the Lord of the Kingdom when I saw him
٤٨. شهر أطعت الله في حراماته
ورعيت حق حلاله وحرامه
49. And heard the refined words he spoke
"O knight of Islam," calls out a servant
٤٩. لازلت في المولى العماد مبلغاً
ما ترجيه ممتعاً بدوامه
50. Whom existence had erased through neglect
You were delighted in Rajab by the arrival
٥٠. تستقبل العمر السعيد مجدداً
بالسعد ما أبليت من أعوامه