1. O He who is graced with His blessings, dispelling nonexistence
And illuminating with His guidance the darkness and injustice
١. يا منعماً بنداه يعدم العدم
وينجلي بهداه الظلم والظلم
2. Capable of raining the world with dew and flowers
Overflowing with might and generosity from His comfort
٢. وقادراً أمطر الدنيا ندى وردى
ففاض من راحتيه البأس والكرم
3. You celebrated a feast that was veiled from me by clouds
Watering people with its heavy rains
٣. هنئت عيداً تخطتني سحائبه
وقد سقى الخلق منها الوابل الردم
4. In the garden of sorrow from losing it I was shackled
And on the muddy ground from its direction I was still
٤. في روضة الحزن من فقدانها غلل
وفي سباخ الثرى من صوبها ديم
5. I wonder how you forgot me despite
Your sacrifices amongst people being shared
٥. عجبت كيف تناستني علاك وقد
ظلت ضحاياك بين الخلق تقتسم
6. Forgetting someone like me after remembrance is disgraceful
To me the spoils are not the same as the sheep
٦. نسيان مثلي بعد الذكر محقرة
إن الغنيمة عندي ما هي الغنم
7. You are time, whom you raise is exalted and whom
You debase from people no flag is raised for him
٧. أنت الزمان فمن ترفعه يعل ومن
تخفض من الناس لا يرفع له علم
8. And whom you neglect is discarded
And whom you look upon is respected
٨. ومن تغافلت عنه فهو مطرح
ومن نظرت إليه فهو محترم