1. Your staying, O knight of the Muslims
Has brought guidance and delighted the eyes
١. بقاؤك يا فارس المسلمينا
أقر الهدى واقر العيونا
2. Were it not for your defense of the abode of guidance
People would have lost this world and religion
٢. ولولا دفاعك عن حوزة الهدى
عدم الناس دنيا ودينا
3. Through you the Fatimid state held fast
You tied it with a firm rope
٣. بك استمسكت دولة الفاطمي
فأعلقتها منك حبلاً متينا
4. You became its bracelet and rampart
And a mighty citadel protecting it
٤. غدوت سواراً وسوراً لها
وأمسيت حصناً عليها حصينا
5. You were faithful to the pacts, nay more
You protected its people, being the trusted, strong one
٥. وفيت لصنوك لا بل كفي
ت بنيه فكنت القوي الأمينا
6. The conscience of loyalty whispers to you about them
Like Moses' talk on Mount Sinai
٦. يناجيك عنهم ضمير الوفا
مناجاة موسى على طور سينا
7. And your worth that you be pleased with anything
Noble, even if it were a precious pearl
٧. وقدرك من أن يهنى بشيء
أجل ولو كان دراً ثمينا
8. And he who wore out the nights standing guard
What would robes of honor mean to him?
٨. ومن كان يكسو الليالي على
فماذا له خلع أن تكونا
9. You stayed until you saw with your own eyes
That every surmise had become certainty
٩. بقيت إلى أن ترى بالعما
د وإخوته كل ظن يقينا