
She is a consolation that untied the knots of his loyalty

هي سلوة حلت عقود وفائها

1. She is a consolation that untied the knots of his loyalty
Since the dress of patience uncovered her meadows

١. هي سلوة حلت عقود وفائها
مذ شف ثوب الصبر عن برحائها

2. And in his gentle heart that if
The specter of worries did not hide from her neck

٢. وبقلبه الريم الذي لو رامها
طيف الكرى لم يخف عن رقبائها

3. Protected by youths of spears, she never ceased to be
The watcher of the spear that protects the herd of gazelles

٣. محمية بشبا الأسنة لم تزل
سمر القنا يحمين سرب ظبائها

4. She won the beauty of her back with her beauty
The day she left and her hiding place's assumption was in vain

٤. فازت ظهور جمالها بجمالها
يوم الرحيل وخاب ظن خبائها

5. And her ruins swayed when she ascended
Our passions ask about her news

٥. وتأرجحت أطلالها إذ عرجت
أشجاننا يسألن عن أنبائها

6. Who strays from guidance but who did not walk
Towards innocent love in her passions

٦. دمن يضل عن الهدى من لم يسر
نحو الهوى العذري في أهوائها

7. I did not ask the caravans about her name
Obliged to her were it not for the love of her name

٧. لم أسأل الركبان عن أسمائها
كلفاً بها لولا هوى أسمائها

8. And I asked my days, a sincere friend
And found what I hope for, most of her wishes

٨. وسألت أيامي صديقاً صادقاً
فوجدت ما أرجوه جل رجائها

9. And for the one with sweet meeting, you may see for him
A saying you are happy with and a deed you desire

٩. ولرب معسول اللقاء ترى له
قولاً تسر به وفعلاً شائها

10. He meets you with kindness even if you are
Absent from him, he spends the evening slandering you

١٠. يلقاك بالحسنى وإن تك غائباً
عن طرفه أمسى بذمك فائها

11. And I went out to the friend emigrating
A band that tightens the ages of her neighborhood

١١. ولقد خرجت إلى الجليس مهاجراً
عصباً يضيم الدهر جار فنائها

12. Seeking help from the ambitions of my father
That spend the heights and it is some of her gifts

١٢. مستنجداً لأبي المعالي همة
تغدو المعالي وهي بعض عطائها

13. When I praised her top, the enemies were certain
That time protected those she shelters

١٣. لما مدحت علاه أيقنت العدى
أن الزمان أجار من عدوائها

14. And Saadi made the ties lighter, shining
Meeting the hopes of wishes with her healing

١٤. وأغر سعدي الأواصر أبلج
يلقى سقيمات المنى بشفائها

15. Far apart is what is between the men and him
If the virtue of his singing narrowed with her singing

١٥. شتان ما بين الرجال وبينه
إن قست فضل غنائه بغنائها

16. They returned metals to the generosity she lacked
And won through its turbidity and her clarity

١٦. وردوا ثماداً للمكارم شابها
كدر وفاز بغمرها وصفائها

17. I vowed to shake the clouds hands
So I fulfilled the clouds of his palm with her loyalty

١٧. نذرت مصافحة الغمام أناملي
فوفت غمائم كفه بوفائها

18. If the reaching of planets was his mark,
His sky would suffice you below her sky

١٨. لو سمته نيل الكواكب أصبحت
وسماؤها كفاك دون سمائها

19. And if you become an intercessor for you in a need
His pride would enrich you without her judgement

١٩. وإذا غدت لك شافعاً في حاجة
أغنتك نخوته عن استقضائها

20. And I tied it from him with the most generous intercessor
That does not end from her to her ending

٢٠. وعقتها منه بأكرم شافع
لا ينتهي منها إلى إنهائها

21. The stratagems of kings did not narrow
Unless he met their narrowness with her tranquility

٢١. ما ضيقت حيل الملوك ملمة
إلا وقابل ضيقها برخائها

22. When the right of his service was certain and I did not
Rise to the obligation of her rights and her payment

٢٢. لما تعين حق خدمته ولم
أنهض بفرض حقوقها وأدائها

23. And I found the selves what befits his glory
Precious generosity of the pearls of her coasts

٢٣. ووجدت أنفس ما يليق بمجده
فقراً نفيس الدر من حصبائها

24. I gifted from her every free first born girl
Loyalty poured on her the flow of slavery

٢٤. أهديت منها كل بكر حرة
أجرى عليها الرق صدق ولائها

25. Do not seek reward but acceptance
And count that among the greatest of her rewards

٢٥. لا تبتغي غير القبول مثوبة
وتعد ذلك من أجل جزائها