
You deserve all the glory and merit, which no one denies

لك المجد والفضل الذي ليس يجحد

1. You deserve all the glory and merit, which no one denies
Rather, praise belongs to you, while the ungrateful do not praise

١. لك المجد والفضل الذي ليس يجحد
بل الحمد والمغبون من ليس يحمد

2. I see the nobility of character as a gift
With which Allah makes miserable whom He wills and brings happiness to whom He wills

٢. أرى شرف الأخلاق وهي عطية
بها الله يشقي من يشاء ويسعد

3. The star of religion has been singled out with a conduct
In which beautiful mention comes and is composed

٣. تفرد نجم الدين منها بسيرة
يحل بها الذكر الجميل ويعقد

4. Beauty and beautification, might and attainment
Merit and bestowal, glory and firmness

٤. جمال وإجمال وبأس ونائل
وفضل وإفضال ومجد وسؤدد

5. Prudence and resolve, God-consciousness and chastity
Character and morals, branch and firmly rooted

٥. وحزم وعزم واتقاء وعفة
وخلق وأخلاق وفرع ومحتد

6. That which this group comprises, which you see
And hear about, except for the predetermined fate

٦. وما ضم هذا الشمل وهو كم ترى
وتسمعه إلا الأجل المؤيد

7. Noble one, if your age ever devised the like of him
You would have named it the creation of what does not exist

٧. كريم إذا كلفت دهرك مثله
فقد سميته إيجاد ما ليس يوجد

8. I bid farewell to the noble household after him
So I said: Will there ever be days of return for me?

٨. أجزت على الدار الشريفة بعده
فقلت هل الأيام لي في عود

9. Will I ever meet the full moon of darkness risen from you
While his sons are in the ascending constellation of your good fortune, most fortunate?

٩. وهل ألتقي بدر الدجى منك طالعاً
وأبناؤه في برج سعدك أسعد

10. It was not many days before I saw him
And the promise of the Exalted remains as I had hoped

١٠. فلم تمض أيام إلى أن رأيته
وعهد العلى باق كما كنت أعهد

11. So I said to it: O abode, may the arrival
Of your courts be congratulated, set ablaze by his lights

١١. فقلت لها يا دار يهنيكي قادم
رحابك من أنواره تتوقد

12. I rejoiced at his coming as though his arrival
Were a departure of old age or renewing youth

١٢. فرحت به حتى كأن قدومه
رحيل بشيب أو شباب يجدد

13. And I congratulated the good expectation from you of the Benefactor
For whom the great sermons prostrate and bow down

١٣. وهنأت حسن الظن منك بمنعم
يصلي له الخطب الجليل ويسجد