1. O best composer of praise poetry for his glory,
And Quranic verses were revealed praising him,
١. يا خير من نظم المديح لمجده
وتنزلت سور الكتاب بحمده
2. O God's proof whose brilliance
Guided the sight of one lost from his purpose,
٢. يا حجة الله التي بضيائها
هديت بصيرة حائر عن قصده
3. You reached the utmost heights of loftiness,
While the efforts of others did not even reach the beginning,
٣. أنت الذي بلغ النهاية في العلى
عفواً ولم يبلغ بداية جهده
4. You inherited leadership from the rightly guided caliphs,
Reviving its tenets with clear guidance,
٤. ورث الهداة الراشدين إمامة
أحيا معالمها بواضح رشده
5. If one boasts of prophethood and trusteeship,
They are an inheritance from his father and grandfather,
٥. إن يفتخر بنبوة ووصية
فهما تراث عن أبيه وجده
6. And if one claims less than that, he will not find,
Except a guardian caliph during his era,
٦. وإذا تنزل دون ذلك لم يجد
إلا ولي خليفة في عهده
7. What harm did it do you, while the Chosen One was like a father to you,
That you lost his staff and his cloak,
٧. ما ضركم والمصطفى لكم أب
فقدانكم لقضيبه ولبرده
8. What lies between the Prophet’s progeny and his family,
Is like between the sword and its sheath,
٨. مابين آلات النبي وآله
إلا كما بين الحسام وغمده
9. You have become the pinnacle of glory in his crown,
And the unique pearl in his necklace,
٩. شرف غدوت أبا محمد ذروة
في تاجه وفريدة في عقده
10. A glory whose stars if counted,
Leave verbosity and summarize their number,
١٠. مجد يقول إذا عددت نجومه
خل الإطالة واختصر في عده
11. And mention Abu Al-Maimoon, honoring him,
Nobly, and do not transgress towards his equal,
١١. واذكر أبا الميمون تعل بذكره
شرفاً ولا تتعد نحو معده
12. The protected preserver, in the absence of his disappearance,
With three who inherited guidance from his children,
١٢. الحافظ المحفوظ عند مغيبه
بثلاثة ورثوا الهدى من ولده
13. Be they victorious, successful or supportive,
Your family became the pillar supporting his pillar,
١٣. من ظافر أو فائز أو عاضد
أضحت بنو رزيك ساعد عضده
14. A people the eras granted positions,
Fulfilling the responsibility of era and time,
١٤. قوم أحلهم الزمان مراتباً
أوفت على حل الزمان وعقده
15. Bestowing their rewards and punishments,
With the fullest justice in the highest and longest reach,
١٥. الباسطون ثوابهم وعقابهم
بأتم باع في العلى وأمده
16. The just ruler in his rule inherited the stewardship from them,
But was unjust in providing for them,
١٦. ورث الكفالة عادل في حكمه
منهم ولكن جائر في رفده
17. Its burdens were placed on the strongest shoulder,
That carried afflictions before the harshest time,
١٧. نيطت حمائلها بعاتق أروع
حمل الشدائد قبل وقت أشده
18. And the ranks of leadership were assured,
That it was prepared for him from the cradle,
١٨. وتيقنت رتب الوزارة أنها
كانت ممهدة له من مهده
19. Alas, time itself felt lonesome after its patron,
Who sufficed the days the desolation of his loss,
١٩. ولقد أعاض الدست بعد كفيله
أنساً كفى الأيام وحشة فقده
20. A king who returns kindness, except that,
No seeker attains the restoration of his prophecy,
٢٠. ملك يرد الألف إلا أنه
لا يلتقي الراجي بنبوة رده
21. Generous hands that squeeze out dew,
And strike out embers with his kindling,
٢١. جذلان يعتصر الندى من كفه
كرماً ويقتدح الردى من زنده
22. Spear points are pleased with the vast range of his hands,
And Indian swords with the strength of his wrists,
٢٢. ترضي رماح الخط بسطة باعه
ومضارب الهندي قوة زنده
23. Gleaming vessels in the darkness you’d think,
Were steeds bared by horsemen of his cavalries,
٢٣. وتظن لامعة البوارق في الدجى
بيضاً تجردها فوارس جرده
24. Be not fooled by the cheer of his serene face,
For the sword gleams while embers are in its edge,
٢٤. لا تغترر ببشاشة من بشره
فالسيف يلمع والردى في حده
25. With him ambitions of glory took flight, and fell short,
The hopes of nights to bring about his counterpart,
٢٥. طارت به همم العلى وتقاصرت
همم الليالي أن تجيء بضده
26. The sentiments of his clemency poured over his threats,
With pardon, and matched grants with promises,
٢٦. مطلت عواطف حلمه بوعيده
عفواً وقارنت النجاز بوعده
27. He commanded wild ferocity, while his tongue praised,
His heart served affection, his hand gave away,
٢٧. ملك الجوامح فاللسان بحمده
مستخدم وكذا الفؤاد لورده
28. Our eulogies stopped in his presence, for before him,
They have only what is from his bounty to offer,
٢٨. وقفت مدائحنا عليه لأنه
ما عندها إلا الذي من عنده
29. O supporter of God’s religion, and upright,
Without whom, foundations would not stand still,
٢٩. يا عاضداً دين الإله وقائماً
لولاه ما عرفت إقامة حده
30. Congratulations in this noble era for wellbeing,
That pardoned the mistake of the blaze and its fuel,
٣٠. تهنيك في العصر الشريف سلامة
عفت على خطأ الحريق وعمده
31. The fire of Abraham was lit for him, but quenched,
By the coolness it prepared for you after him,
٣١. ولعت به نار الخليل فأطفئت
بسريرة ذخرت لكم من بعده
32. May God protect the landing place of His revelation,
And the spring of His mercy and paradise of eternity,
٣٢. الله صان عليك مهبط وحيه
ومقر رحمته وجنة خلده
33. Your palace resembled, with people around it,
Shielding from the heat with hand on brow,
٣٣. شبهت قصرك والخلائق حوله
تعنو على حر الجبين وخده
34. The Sacred House and its circumambulated corner,
And the pilgrims to you in throngs,
٣٤. بالبيت والركن المحلق ركنه
والوافدين إلى نداك بوفده
35. Had I versified my poetry in your praise,
I would have sufficed you the heat of blaze with its coldness,
٣٥. ولو أنني وجهت شعري نحوكم
لكفيتكم حر الحريق ببرده
36. Poetry that if the sea emptied its floods,
And surged over the world the vessels of its tides,
٣٦. شعر لو أن البحر عب عبابه
وطمت على الدنيا غوارب مده
37. And winter assisted with its ice,
It would not fill a fraction of its cause,
٣٧. وأعانه فصل الشتاء بثلجه
ما سد في الإطفاء بعض مسده
38. You have made precious the value of his poetry,
And with prestige raised the faded glory,
٣٨. أغليتمو بالجود قيمة شعره
ورفعتم بالجاه خامل مجده
39. And with generosity filled the void of his poverty,
And with nobility covered the flaws of his criticism,
٣٩. وسددتم بالنقد خلة فقره
وسترتم كرماً معائب نقده