
Time has tested her, so since I took care of her

هم الزمان بها فمنذ كفلتها

1. Time has tested her, so since I took care of her
It began to support her victory again and again

١. هم الزمان بها فمنذ كفلتها
أضحى يوالي نصرها ويوالي

2. And I responded to the call of the Franks with eloquence
Before thinking through it, with the spontaneity of men

٢. وأجبت داعية الفرنج بديهة
قبل الروية بارتجال رجال

3. Your noble brothers extinguished its embers
As they assumed the mantles of horrors

٣. أطفأت جمرتها بإخوتك الألى
يتسنمون غوارب الأهوال

4. I did not know, and analogy falls short with them
Did helpers descend or did lions attack?

٤. لم أدر والتشبيه يقصر عندهم
أغيوث نزل أم ليوث نزال

5. Their short swords became long in their hands
Lifetimes became brief through them

٥. طالت بأيديهم قصار صوارم
باتت بها الأعمار غير طوال

6. And you mixed your supporters with your own souls
While people belonged to you, loyal and bonded to you

٦. وخلطتم أنصاركم بنفوسكم
والناس من مولى لكم وموالي

7. My friend, asking brings healing. What have I
Learned about it, if I answer my question?

٧. يا صاحبي وفي السؤال شفاء ما اس
تخبرت عنه إن أجيب سؤالي

8. Does the ministry have any need or argument
That it hopes to complete, some of it, fully?

٨. هل للوزارة حاجة أو حجة
ترجو تتمة بعضها بكمال

9. This one, who your gaze still constantly
Yearns for him in the empty present

٩. هذا الذي ما زال طرفك دائماً
يرنو إليه في الزمان الخالي

10. This one, whom they prevented you from
To exit the honored, sanctified glory

١٠. هذا الذي عضلوك عنه لتخرجي
من عزة حرمت ومن إجلال

11. And who is more right to be the caliph's minister than one who walked
In the presence of reverence and majesty

١١. وأحق من وزر الخلافة من مشى
في حضرة الإعظام والإجلال

12. And was drawn close to the caliphs, and secrets
Were unveiled to him through signs of the circumstances

١٢. واختص بالخلفاء وانكشفت له
أسرارها بقرائن الأحوال

13. And the ministers turned away from his views
As names turn through verbs

١٣. وتصرف الوزراء عن آرائه
كتصرف الأسماء بالأفعال

14. Oh son of imams, and praise of you
Struts between joint and bone

١٤. يا ابن الأئمة والثناء عليكم
يختال بين مفصل وطوال

15. The world is not ashamed while you lead it
And your guiding minister is Abu Shubal

١٥. ما تخجل الدنيا وأنت إمامها
ووزيرك الهادي أبو الشبال