
O friend, I am not one to complain of love’s anguish,

يا صاح لست من الغرام بصاح

1. O friend, I am not one to complain of love’s anguish,
As long as souls are clad in human flesh.

١. يا صاح لست من الغرام بصاح
مادامت الأرواح في الأشباح

2. Why should I blame the languid, drowsy eyes,
When wholesome living you have all forsworn?

٢. أتلوم بالحدق المراض وطالما
تركت صحاح الناس غير صحاح

3. My soul I sacrifice for one whose hair is night itself,
His brow a lamp that makes my darkness glow.

٣. روحي الفداء لمن أبيت وشعره
ليلي وضوء جبينه مصباحي

4. In his cheek blooms my rose, his temples wear
My myrtle wreath, his mouth my apples sweet.

٤. في خده وردي وفي أصداغه
آسي وفي وجناته تفاحي

5. Not from his cup, but from his honeyed lips
My fevered love has drunk deep draughts of joy.

٥. وبريقه المعسول لا أبريقه
راح المحب ونشوة المرتاح

6. By the soft pearls his lips enclose,
By the sweet fruits his kiss reveals,

٦. فوحقّ ما في ثغره من لؤلؤ
رطب ومن مشمولة وأقاح

7. By the soft down that clothes his cheek and throat,
I swear his loveliness shall never fail!

٧. ووحقّ ما في قده ولحاظه
من ذابل لدن وبيض صفاح