
Ibn Dukhan's son has no wish left with his Creator

لم يبق لابن دخان عند خالقه

1. Ibn Dukhan's son has no wish left with his Creator
That he hopes for and aspires to.

١. لم يبق لابن دخان عند خالقه
أمنية يتمناها ويأملها

2. For if the damned one's patience opened up
It would make Egypt's people rich with their patience.

٢. لأن حوصلة الملعون لو فتحت
لأغنت الناس في مصر حواصلها

3. What he missed, may Allah curse him,
Is that fortunes didn't grow through his efforts.

٣. وإنما فاته والله يلعنه
أن الأزبة لم تعظم فياشلها

4. The days will awaken after a year
Until he is called the father of loss in his heedlessness.

٤. وسوف تنتبه الأيام من سنة
حتى يسمى أبا النقصان غافلها

5. So drink over it and eat, oh son of the wicked one, for nothing
Will spare you soon from my words, early or late.

٥. فاشرب عليها وكل يابن الخبيث فما
يخطيك عاجل أقوالي وآجلها

6. And know that the rhymes of poetry did not anger
Except the face of truth was blackened by its falsehood.

٦. واعلم بأن قوافي الشعر ما غضبت
إلا وسود وجه الحق باطلها

7. This is the introduction, the ending will come
With what you hated just as the beginning came.

٧. هذي مقدمة يأتي أواخرها
بما كرهت كما جاءت أوائلها