1. The era traveled with radiant smiles on its face,
And it shone until the embers of its night flew away as sparks when its dawn ignited.
١. سفر الزمان بواشح من بشره
وافتر باسم ثغره من ثغره
2. Its sides swayed as if the pourer of spirits gave gentleness to its wine.
Its breaths waved as if it let out the finest aromas from its essence.
٢. وأضاء حتى خلت فحمة ليله
طارت شراراً في توقد فجره
3. Its beauty increased brilliantly, as if spring scattered its magnificent flowers over it.
It swaggered in the garments of beauty haughtily,
٣. وتمايلت أعطافه فكأنما
أعطاه ساقي الراح رقة خمره
4. With the beauty of the days of happiness and its prime.
With the generous left hand that sings with its most generous right hand,
٤. وتفاوحت أنفاسه فكأنما
فض اللطائم فيه جانب عطره
5. And the one who attained the glory of the age entirely.
To whom Yemen extended good tidings, and Iraq, due to his merit,
٥. وازداد باهر حسنه فكأنما
نثر الربيع عليه باهر زهره
6. And whom Syria and Egypt appointed.
So it illuminated a full moon in the sky of its pride,
٦. واختال في حلل الجمال تطاولاً
بجمال أيام السعيد وعصره
7. And its beautiful traits are buds of flowers.
Or don't you see how the days honored him,
٧. بالياسر المغني بأيسر جوده
والمقتني عز الزمان بأسره
8. And became fragrant from the mention of him?
The generous preceded in good deeds for them, and showed the incapacity of those
٨. من طالت اليمن العراق بفضله
وسمت على أرض الشآم ومصره
9. Who did not comprehend them, and clarified the excuse of the incapable.
It is as if the lofty paths were summarized for him preferentially,
٩. فأضاء بدراً في سماء فخاره
وصفاته الحسنى ثواقب زهره
10. And those hostile to him went astray in his wake.
He revived the acquaintances of every acquaintance through them,
١٠. أو ما ترى الأيام كيف تبجلت
عن سعيه وتعطرت من ذكره
11. And erased the landmarks of those hostile to him by his aversion to them.
And he bestowed blessings on the land from them,
١١. سبق الكرام لها وأبدى عجز من
لم يحوها وأبان عاجز عذره
12. The era spoke in thanks for it and for him.
So praise depends on his benevolence,
١٢. فكأنما اختصرت له طرق العلى
فضلاً وضل عداته في إثره
13. Between the creativity of his prose or poetry.
And life is moist under the shade of his widespread shadow,
١٣. أحيا معارف كل معروف بها
ومحا معالم منكريه بكره
14. And roses are sweet from the springs of his righteousness.
And good fortune is submissive to him, fluctuating
١٤. وأفاض منها للبرية أنعماً
نطق الزمان بشكرها وبشكره
15. Between his high deterrence or command.
And the sovereign smiles with joy, inclining with intoxication
١٥. فالمدح موقوف على إحسانه
مابين بارع نظمه أو نثره
16. When he became the crown to his lofty temple, and the necklace around his neck.
Unique among people in his protection,
١٦. والعيش رطب تحت وارف ظله
والورد عذب من مناهل بره
17. And exclusively caring for people in his victory.
He is the one whose outstanding merit
١٧. والسعد منقاد له متصرف
ما بين عالي نهيه أو أمره
18. Witnesses have attested, marking his value with the loftiness of his worth.
He stood firm in the battle with his enemies,
١٨. والملك مبتسم الثغور مورد ال
جلباب نشوان يميل بسكره
19. With determined resolve in the thoughts of his mind.
Fluctuating in obeying the two kings however
١٩. لما غدا تاجاً لمفرق عزه ال
سامي وعقداً في ترائب نحره
20. He wanted, whether beneficial or harmful to him.
Utmost in advice, created for
٢٠. متفرد دون الأنام بصونه
متكفل دون الأنام بنصره
21. His loyalty, secretly and openly.
God protected the system for his hand,
٢١. وهو الذي شهدت بباهر فضله
شيم سمت قدراً بسامي قدره
22. And ordained the wellbeing of his country under his cover.
He took the initiative against the hostile, kindling
٢٢. ثبت المواقف في لقاء عداته
ماضي العزائم في مجاول فكره
23. The fire of fury with its white and black stones.
He deduces hidden meanings with his subtlety,
٢٣. متصرف في طاعة الملكين في
ما رامه من نفعه أو ضره
24. And sees the unseen from the mirrors of his mind.
The world would not be too narrow for a seeker,
٢٤. متناهياً في النصح مجبولاً على
إخلاصه في سره أو جهره
25. If its vast range was from his chest.
It is as if the palm of his hand in his chivalry
٢٥. حفظ الإله به النظام لدسته
وقضى بسير بلاده في ستره
26. Was an overflowing sea from the overflowing of its ocean.
It is as if the lightning of clouds shone
٢٦. متقحماً فيه العجاج مضرماً
نار الهياج ببيضه وبسمره
27. From his cheerfulness, and their downpour from his droplets.
God gave him good fortune, for he
٢٧. يستنبط المعنى الخفي بلطفه
ويرى المغيب من مرايا فكره
28. Enriched the destitute and remedied the poverty of the poor.
So delegations enjoy in the gardens of his bliss,
٢٨. ماكانت الدنيا تضيق بطالب
لو أن واسع صدرها من صدره
29. And his enemy suffers from the harshness of his capture.
The good extend the distance toward his lofty abode,
٢٩. وكأن راحة كفه لعفاته
بحر تدفق من تدفق بحره
30. And spread emanating from its diffusion.
He made the few in it as though they were
٣٠. وكأنما برق السحائب لائح
من بشره وقطارها من قطره
31. Brothers of abundant wealth from his abundance.
And he became in it infatuated with the connection of generosity,
٣١. لله إنعام السعيد فإنه
أغنى العديم وسد فاقة فقره
32. Passionate when the stingy speaks of estrangement.
O you who tries to describe the easiest of his descriptions,
٣٢. فالوفد ينعم في رياض نعيمه
وعدوه يشقى بشدة أسره
33. Where is rhetoric from undertaking to limit it?
Indeed, the Fortunate Son of the Fortunate is too lofty
٣٣. والطيب يطوي البيد نحو فنائه ال
سامي وينشر فائحاً من نشره
34. For his eloquent achievements to be thanked in full.
And the praise of the praisers of him are fruits
٣٤. عم البرية فالمقل كأنه
فيها أخو المال الكثير لكثره
35. Of his efforts, and necklaces from his pearls.
So may his courtyard remain populated, his prosperity eternal,
٣٥. وغدا بوصل الجود فيها مغرماً
لهجاً إذا لهج البخيل بهجره
36. And his life extended for him.
And may the sight of him on the day of Eid bring joy,
٣٦. يا من يحاول وصف أيسر وصفه
أين البلاغة من تعاطي حصره
37. For its illumination is the illumination of its prime.
Shawwal is no longer cheery during its Eid,
٣٧. إن السعيد ابن السعيد أجل أن
يحصي مآثره البليغ بشكره
38. Nor does fasting gain merit during its Night of Power without him.
And if you fail in your duties of gratitude,
٣٨. ومدائح المداح فيه نتائج
من سعيه وقلائد من دره
39. You will demolish the structures of your pride.
Indeed, good deeds toward the generous remain
٣٩. فليبق معمور الفناء مخلد ال
نعماء ممدوداً له في عمره
40. And last, even if time destroys everything.
٤٠. وليهن عيد الفطر رؤيته التي
إشراقها إشراق غرة فطره
٤١. ما عاد شوال ببهجة عيده
وسما الصيام بفضل ليلة قدره
٤٢. ومتى أخل بواجباتك شاكر
عن قدرة هدمت مباني فخره
٤٣. إن الصنائع في الكرام ودائع
تبقى وإن فني الزمان بأسره