
Though you say have patience, the affliction is severe,

لئن قل صبر فالمصاب عظيم

1. Though you say have patience, the affliction is severe,
And though you count blessings, the reward is great,

١. لئن قل صبر فالمصاب عظيم
وإن جل شكر فالثواب جسيم

2. I was perplexed whether to thank time or blame it,
So I knew not after thanks how to blame.

٢. تحيرت في شكر الزمان ولومه
فلم أدر بعد الشكر كيف ألوم

3. Tomorrow time will be praised for its deeds,
While yesterday it was blameworthy to me,

٣. غدا الدهر محمود الفعال إلى الورى
وعهدي به بالأمس وهو ذميم

4. It delighted hearts after having pained them,
So in each heart lies paradise and hell.

٤. وسر قلوباً بعد أن كان ساءها
ففي كل قلب جنة وجحيم

5. If a test befalls the victorious and pure,
You are the Commander of the Faithful, everlasting,

٥. لئن عرضت للفائز الطهر نقلة
فأنت أمير المؤمنين مقيم

6. If we are envied the paradise of immortality,
Your closeness to us is paradise and bliss.

٦. وإن حسدتنا جنة الخلد قربه
فقربك منا جنة ونعيم

7. You inherited guidance by the text from him and his words,
My brother and cousin if you count ancestry,

٧. ورثت الهدى بالنص عنه وقوله
أخي وابن عمي إن عدمت يقوم

8. And that Chosen One set a precedent in his cousin,
So your nobility is original and longstanding.

٨. وقد سن ذاك المصطفى في ابن عمه
فمن شرفيكم حادث وقديم

9. It related the Pledge of Good Pleasure, your pledge by which
Faith is sound even if unsound,

٩. حكت بيعة الرضوان بيعتك التي
يصح بها الإيمان وهو سقيم

10. And you have gained, praise be to God, a deal,
For which necks of believers are devoted.

١٠. وقد ربحت والحمد لله صفقة
لها من رقاب المؤمنين لزوم

11. God's hand in it is above hands that He has protected
From breaking a contract made for your rule intact,

١١. يدا الله فيها فوق أيد أعاذها
من النكث عقد في ولاك سليم

12. Loyalty to you in it secretly are consciences,
That pray for you even without piety or fasting.

١٢. تواليك بالإخلاص فيها سرائر
تصلي لكم لولا التقى وتصوم

13. Times have intended a matter but we repelled it,
Events cannot accomplish when they scheme,

١٣. لقد رامت الأيام أمراً فنلنه
وما أقدر الأقدار حين تروم

14. They attacked with the Mother of Disasters but you rose
Above death, our souls and bodies,

١٤. طرقن بأم النائبات فأشرفت
على الموت أرواح لنا وجسوم

15. And were it not for the swords of the supporter, vanguards
Of dignified, calm, and forbearing warriors,

١٥. ولولا سيوف العاضدي طلائع
لخف وقور عنده وحليم

16. Swords which when the battlefield is too narrow for the brave,
They are adversaries for the hotheads of foes.

١٦. سيوف إذا ضاق المجال عن القنا
فهن لهامات الخصوم خصوم

17. But he is the mountain that no winds shake,
However strongly they blow while they are tumultuous,

١٧. ولكنه الطود الذي لا تهزه
رياح ولو هبت وهن حسوم

18. When fantasies are agitated he calms their ferocity
With resolve that elucidates tribulations and he is forbearing,

١٨. إذا طاشت الأحلام سكن جأشها
بعزم يجلي الخطب وهو بهيم

19. He has a domination that fate does not feel secure from his might,
And tyranny when patience is lacking, painful,

١٩. له سطوة لا يأمن الدهر بأسها
وبطش إذا ما الحلم ضاق أليم

20. And he has in supporting God a stern heart,
But with the faithful he is compassionate.

٢٠. وقلب له في نصرة الله غلظة
ولكنه بالمؤمنين رحيم

21. I say to an intractable opponent silenced by awe,
So he holds back in fear of you while he is indignant,

٢١. أقول لراج ألجمته مهابة
فأحجم خوفاً منك وهو كظيم

22. Show courage and do not let the awe of his rule prevent you,
Ask and persist for the generous is generous.

٢٢. تشاجع ولا يمنعك هيبة ملكه
وسله وكثر فالكريم كريم

23. A king who has from your in-laws a party
That undoes the knots of tribulations while it is grave,

٢٣. مليك له من آل رزيك عصبة
تحل خناق الخطب وهو عظيم

24. He is the full moon surrounded by many stars,
With them the devils of hypocrisy are stoned.

٢٤. هو البدر حفته نجوم كثيرة
بها لشياطين النفاق رجوم

25. They give light and the faces of the people shine in every stance,
He appears above the faces and the bleakness.

٢٥. تنير وجوه القوم في كل موقف
يلوح به فوق الوجوه وجوم

26. Lions, and the cubs of lionesses roaming freely,
Succours for them the ready clouds are rainclouds,

٢٦. ليوث وسمر السمهرية غابها
غيوث لها النقع المثار غيوم

27. They characterized leadership by their good conduct,
And how often the mounts' halters they protected and marked!

٢٧. هم وسموا رقي بحسن اصطناعهم
وكم حفظت رق الجياد وسوم

28. They are my loyal helpers favoring me with their souls,
For which time is a slave and the age is a servant,

٢٨. هم خلصوني منعمين بأنفس
لها الدهر عبد والزمان خديم

29. But the Bestower of Grandeur will never bring their like,
Though She is the Ever-bearing Mother, sterile.

٢٩. فأم المعالي لن تجيء بمثلهم
على أنها الأم الولود عقيم

30. They have lasting nobility, which white disclosed,
Whereby it removed sorrow from people and gloom.

٣٠. لهم شرف باق بأبلج كشفت
به كرب عن ذي الورى وغموم

31. I acknowledged the pillar of might is Ahmad's house,
Support for them, not for the judges a leader,

٣١. أقر نصاب العز في آل أحمد
كفيل لهم لا للقضاة زعيم

32. An enemy, their enemy, and a loyal friend is my loyal friend,
Experienced in the secrets of loyalty, knowledgeable,

٣٢. عدو معاديهم ولي وليهم
خبير بأسرار الولاء عليم

33. With his sword and tongue he struggles for them,
How many words of his were wounds!

٣٣. يجاهد فيهم سيفه ولسانه
ورب كلام كان منه كلوم

34. The Helper thereby reinforced their authority,
And enriched Islam while destitute.

٣٤. وزير به شد المهيمن أزرهم
وأثرى به الإسلام وهو عديم

35. He ransomed the homes of realms for their conversations,
Even if remote, before death, precious,

٣٥. فدى لأبي الغارات أهل ممالك
أحاديثهم قبل الممات رميم

36. The name of the King includes them then He singles him out,
Vanquishing after specificity generality,

٣٦. يعمهم اسم الملك ثم يخصه
فيبطل من بعد الخصوص عموم

37. Not every praiseworthy trait is Muhammad’s,
Nor is every one revealed to a Distinguished One.

٣٧. وما كل محمود السجايا محمد
لا كل من يوحى إليه كليم