
I tend to my garden early, O Thuria, but I see not

أُباكر روضي يا ثريا فلا أرى

1. I tend to my garden early, O Thuria, but I see not
My friend greeting me with songs over the heights of the acacias,

١. أُباكرُ روضي يا ثريا فلا أرى
هزاري صداحاً على فنن البانِ

2. And I call him “my joy,” but he answers me not,
Though once when I called him in a whisper he answered.

٢. وادعوه ملتاعاً وليس يجيبني
وكنت متى ادعوه بالهمس لباني

3. And when I asked the acacias about him they were convulsed,
Their bending branches telling of one bereaved.

٣. ولما سألتُ البانَ عنه تلاطمت
اماليدُهُ تحكي جوانح ثكلان

4. Tempests came over the garden and broke
Boughs from the date-palms; they fell onto branches.

٤. وهبت اعاصيرٌ على الروض كسرت
من الدوح اغصاناً هوت فوق اغصان

5. Creatures came to mourn my friend but did not say
He had died; they said, “He has gone to another.”

٥. نواعٍ اتت تنعى هزاري ولم تقل
قضى نحبه بل قلن مال إلى ثان

6. A little fledgling sought refuge in me, frightened;
I reared him in my love and care.

٦. لقد لاذ بي فرخاً صغيراً مروعاً
فربيته في ظل حبي وإحساني

7. When my heart called to this neighbor of mine, he came;
When thirsty I gave him drink from between my lids.

٧. إذا داع اقريه فؤادي وان اتى
على ظماءٍ اسقيه من بين اجفاني

8. I tended him before he had feathers, but when
His wings grew he flew from me and deserted me.

٨. توليته لا ريشَ فيه وعندما
نما جانحاهُ فر مني وخلاني