1. O judge of lovers, I complain to
your justice of what I suffered from his love.
١. يا قاضيَ العشاقِ اشكو إلى
عدلك ما لاقيتهُ في هواه
2. He deprived my eyelids of the delight of sleep
While he is immersed in detestation.
٢. حرم اجفاني طيب الكرى
وهو خليٌّ غارقٌ في كراه
3. And of my afflictions is that whenever
I awaken him, his glances wound me.
٣. ومن بلائي انني كلما
ايقظته تجرحُني مقلتاه
4. Do you not see me like a bird shot down
by a treacherous hunter, its blood flowing?
٤. ألا تراني مثلَ طيرٍ رماه
قناصُهُ الباغي فاجرى دماه
5. And were you to ask me where my blood went
Seek it, and see what his cheeks absorbed.
٥. وأن تسلني اين ضاعَ دمي
فاطلبه وانظر ما حوت وجنتاه
6. The judge eulogized me and decreed the
harm of my oppressor so he may receive his punishment.
٦. رثى لي القاضي وافتى باح
ضارِ غريمي كي يلاقي جزاه
7. He came, and when he appeared at his door
with a glance from his eyes he bribed him.
٧. اتى ولما لاحَ في بابه
بنظرةٍ من لاحظيه رشاه
8. So the judge became sympathetic to him
and issued a decree that I die for him.
٨. فاصبحَ القاضي رقيقاً له
وأصدرَ الحكمَ بموتي فداه
9. We both died of love for him, and did not
obtain any happy moment of his consent.
٩. متنا كلانا في هواه ولم
نحصل على سانحة من رضاه