
The house of fortune shelters those with kin and hearth

خانه الحظ بأهل وحمى

1. The house of fortune shelters those with kin and hearth
So the destitute poor arose seeking, with nothing to his name

١. خانه الحظ بأهل وحمى
فانبرى يسعى فقيراً معدما

2. Wretched yet possessing dignity
Lord of misery yet his dignity intact

٢. بائسٌ لكنه ذو شمم
رب بؤسٍ لا ينافي الشمما

3. He toiled not begging, only working
With none but his Creator to turn to

٣. راحَ يشقى عاملاً لا سائلاً
غير باريه يليه كرما

4. He struggled in life and did not stop
Struggling until he collapsed and fell

٤. كد في الدنيا ولم يبرح به
كده حتى رماه فارتمى

5. He exhausted his body and when harm befell him
Consumption took hold, established within

٥. اجهد الجسم ولما ضاره
نشب السل به مستحكما

6. Ravaging his chest, consuming his lungs
Voraciously devouring them

٦. عائثاً في صدره يأكل من
رئتيه شرها ملتهما

7. Emaciated like a specter, the slightest wind
Made him crouch down limp

٧. دق كالطيف هزالاً فإذا
مرت الريح عليه جثما

8. And death visited his life so he became
A lifeless body, though once exalted when living

٨. وذوي ورد محياهُ فصا
رً بهاراً ما علاه عندما

9. And his soul settled into the hollows of his eyes
Shining like an inflamed ember

٩. واستقرت روحه في مقلتيه
فلاحت قبساً مضطرما

10. An ember in his eyes though he could not
See anything but darkness

١٠. قبسٌ في ناظريه وهو لا
يبصر الأيام إلا ظلما

11. His nerves were addled until he seemed
An old decrepit man in his twenties

١١. ووهت اعصابه حتى بدا
وهو في العشرين شيخاً هرما

12. Faltering when he tried to walk
Stumbling at every step

١٢. خائراً إِن همَّ بالأمر خطا
خطوةً ثم يهي محرنحيما

13. You would not see him raging and complaining
But calm and restrained

١٣. لا تراه هائجاً مشتكياً
بل تراه هادئاً مكتتما

14. His soul withering within his body
Bearing anguish in every limb

١٤. يتلاشى نفساً في نفسٍ
طاوياً في كل عضو الما

15. Grieving for his youth, singing
Your rain clouds promised rain when they gathered

١٥. راثياً عهد صباه منشداً
جادك الغيث إذا الغيث همى

16. His youth on its deathbed, he sings to it
He did not cry for your union, not even in a dream

١٦. والصبا محتضرٌ ينشده
لم يبكي وصلك لا حلما

17. Whenever he moaned from his pains
He would choke back his groans

١٧. كلما نحنح عن اوجاعه
ارسل الانات من فيه ذمما

18. Lost, searching for his hopes
He sees his soul has turned to loathing

١٨. حائراً يبحث عن اماله
فيرى النفس استحالت سأما

19. And were it not for the soul within him
The beholder would see just an inanimate body

١٩. وهو لولا النفس الباقي لما
طه الرائي سوى احدى الدمى

20. The disease overwhelmed him and he fell
Seeking refuge in his grave, sheltered

٢٠. اطبق الداء عليه فهوى
طالباً في قبره معتصما

21. He refuses to weep in his misery
And dawn refuses to smile

٢١. ينكر الساجع ان يسجع في
ايكه والفجر ان يبتسما

22. He denies the night when night falls
The moon in its expanse or any stars

٢٢. ينكر الليل إذا الليل جلا
قمراً في جوه او انجما

23. He denies the world as it denied him
His people shunned him, sickened

٢٣. ينكر الدنيا كما انكره
اهلها واعتزلوه مسقما

24. They denied him shelter until
His home became forbidden to him

٢٤. منعوا عنه الحمى حتى غدت
ساحة الدار عليه حرما

25. Woe! Where can he find a place to rest?
Woe! Where can he find a meal?

٢٥. ويحه اين يداني مضجعاً
ويحه اين يلاقي مطعما

26. If only he were a bird that inhabited a nest
If only he were a wild donkey that brays

٢٦. ليته طيرٌ فيأوي وكنةً
ليته عير يسف الحمحما

27. If only he did not exist, for existing
In this state is better for him than nothingness

٢٧. ليته ما كان فالكائن فيذ
حاله خيرٌ له لو عدما

28. O people! He is your brother and his father
Is your father, if you consider Adam

٢٨. ايها الناس اخاكم فابوه
ابوكم لو سألتم أدما

29. Whoever shows mercy on earth to a
Wretched brother will find mercy in heaven

٢٩. إن من يرحم في الأرض اخاً
بائساً يرحمه من في السما

30. The world is shared among you all
So leave him some small portion

٣٠. لكم الدنيا مشاعٌ وله
فاتركوا منها له مقتسما

31. Grieving for his youth, singing
Your rain clouds promised rain when they gathered

٣١. راثياً عهد صباه منشداً
جادك الغيث إذا الغيث همى

32. His youth on its deathbed, he sings to it
He did not cry for your union, not even in a dream

٣٢. والصبا محتضرٌ ينشده
لم يبكي وصلك لا حلما

33. Whenever he moaned from his pains
He would choke back his groans

٣٣. كلما نحنح عن اوجاعه
ارسل الانات من فيه ذمما

34. Lost, searching for his hopes
He sees his soul has turned to loathing

٣٤. حائراً يبحث عن اماله
فيرى النفس استحالت سأما

35. And were it not for the soul within him
The beholder would see just an inanimate body

٣٥. وهو لولا النفس الباقي لما
طه الرائي سوى احدى الدمى

36. The disease overwhelmed him and he fell
Seeking refuge in his grave, sheltered

٣٦. اطبق الداء عليه فهوى
طالباً في قبره معتصما

37. He refuses to weep in his misery
And dawn refuses to smile

٣٧. ينكر الساجع ان يسجع في
ايكه والفجر ان يبتسما

38. He denies the night when night falls
The moon in its expanse or any stars

٣٨. ينكر الليل إذا الليل جلا
قمراً في جوه او انجما

39. He denies the world as it denied him
His people shunned him, sickened

٣٩. ينكر الدنيا كما انكره
اهلها واعتزلوه مسقما

40. They denied him shelter until
His home became forbidden to him

٤٠. منعوا عنه الحمى حتى غدت
ساحة الدار عليه حرما

41. Woe! Where can he find a place to rest?
Woe! Where can he find a meal?

٤١. ويحه اين يداني مضجعاً
ويحه اين يلاقي مطعما

42. If only he were a bird that inhabited a nest
If only he were a wild donkey that brays

٤٢. ليته طيرٌ فيأوي وكنةً
ليته عير يسف الحمحما

43. If only he did not exist, for existing
In this state is better for him than nothingness

٤٣. ليته ما كان فالكائن فيذ
حاله خيرٌ له لو عدما

44. O people! He is your brother and his father
Is your father, if you consider Adam

٤٤. ايها الناس اخاكم فابوه
ابوكم لو سألتم أدما

45. Whoever shows mercy on earth to a
Wretched brother will find mercy in heaven

٤٥. إن من يرحم في الأرض اخاً
بائساً يرحمه من في السما

46. The world is shared among you all
So leave him some small portion

٤٦. لكم الدنيا مشاعٌ وله
فاتركوا منها له مقتسما