
Ask the prince, and my soul is ransom for the prince,

سلوا الأمير وروحي للأميرِ فدى

1. Ask the prince, and my soul is ransom for the prince,
Has he seen in the West a river like the Nile or meadows like the Fayoum,

١. سلوا الأمير وروحي للأميرِ فدى
هل رادَ في الغرب مثلَ النيلِ أو بردى

2. Or a sky as brilliant as the luminous East,
That shaded a land like it with drizzle?

٢. وهل رأى كسماء الشرق ناصعةً
من الرقيع أظلت مثله بلدا

3. And has he seen the pure brooks embracing,
A meadow, if you pass through it, exudes honey,

٣. وابصر الجدول الصافي تعانقه
فيحٌ إذا تمتريها درتِ الشهدا

4. Has he sensed ruins that tell him,
Of a glory like that of this East that has withered?

٤. وهل الم بآثارٍ تحدثه
بمثلِ مجدٍ لهذا الشرق قد وئدا

5. For Egypt’s pyramids tell him about it,
And Baalbek bears witness to him forever,

٥. فمصر أهرامها عنه مخبرةٌ
وبعلبك عليه شاهدٌ أبدا

6. A glory whose throne time has folded, but time
Has not been able to fold its pillars.

٦. مجدٌ طوى عرشه الدهر العني وما
تمكن الدهر ان يطوي له عمدا

7. The long nights extended to it a thieving palm,
Took it away, then extended a giving hand to the happy West, even if

٧. مدت إليه الليالي كف سارقةٍ
مضت به ثم مدت للعطاء يدا

8. The West had not inherited the East’s glory, it would not have prospered.
So the West increases in blessings day after day,

٨. فأفرغتها على الغرب السعيد ولو
لم ينحل الغرب مجد الشرق ما سعدا

9. While the East increases in sorrows day after day.
Greed hovers over its pastures in droves,

٩. فذاك يزداد من ايامه نعماً
والشرق يزداد من أيامه نكدا

10. Like I saw over the barren land the locusts,
Voracious, neither satisfying their hunger through it,

١٠. تغشى المطامع أسراباً مراتعه
كما رأيت على المخضلة الجردا

11. Nor harming it with their nibbling.
Awake while we sleep, no executioner to wake us,

١١. غرثى فلا أشبعت أرزاقه نهماً
بها ولا ابتل منها بالخضم صدى

12. With a drawn sword among us, and no stabbing of outstretched hands.
The wolves are emboldened by the greed of our neighbors,

١٢. يقظى ونحن نيام ليس يوقظنا
جلاد مرهفةٍ فينا وطعنُ مدى

13. So they disdain the old lion who has shed his mane.
Even the cranes walk proudly, so they frighten

١٣. يستأسدُ الضب من جيراننا طمعاً
فيستهين بليثٍ يسدل اللبدا

14. The eagles in their valleys while they are alone.
They quarrel, but have no awe of the eagles,

١٤. حتى البغاث غدا مستنسراً فمشى
يروعُ النسر في واديه منفردا

15. The army of cranes wages war united.
The East has not declined from its days of joy

١٥. تشاكسٌ فل من بأس النسور لدى
جيش البغاث يخوض الحرب متحدا

16. Except through the cowardice of leaders who envied it.
If not for the remaining hopes in some of them

١٦. فما لوى الشرق عن ايام بهجته
إلا تخاذل أسيادٍ له حسدا

17. Like the prince, his soul would have forsaken his body.
A scion who struck with their glory tent pegs

١٧. لولا بقية آمال ببعضهم
مثل الأمير لعافت روحه الجسدا

18. In Egypt, and planted with Lebanon for it tent poles.
A spark from the swords of knowledge, whenever it struck

١٨. سليل من ضربوا من مجدهم طنباً
في مصر دقوا بلبنانٍ له وتدا

19. The darkness of doubts, it startled them with guidance.
At the side of the noble Abbas, builder of glory,

١٩. مهندٌ من سيوفِ العلم ما ضربت
به دجى الريب إلا راعهن هدى

20. How many times have the hands of Abbas severed necks with it!
His morals have taught the West, obliging it

٢٠. في جنبِ عباس معقودُ النجادِ وكم
قد قطعت كفَّ عباسٍ به العقدا

21. To keep its swords sheathed on the banks of the Nile.
The West applauds Egypt whenever the doubt of time

٢١. نضته للغرب اخلاق تكلفه
ان لا يظلَّ بوادي النيل منغمدا

22. Rebels, and the hand of time becomes hostile.
Muhammad went to the meadows of Syria,

٢٢. فأكبر الغربُ عضباً مصر تصلته
على الزمانِ إذا ريبُ الزمان عدا

23. As the dew goes and returns at dawn.
Through it his hand shone, so if the eye of the envious looked at it,

٢٣. وزورة لربوع الشام راح لها
محمدٌ مثلما راح الندى وغدا

24. It would not be safe from blindness.
It is a hand that gives generously with the jewels of expression, writing

٢٤. جلت بها يده سفراً إذا نظرت
عين الحسود به لم تأمن الرمدا

25. As it gives generously with scattering pearls when they are threaded.
A testimony to the loftiness of Syria sufficient

٢٥. يدٌ تجودُ بدرِّ اللفظِ كاتبةً
كما تجودُ بصرف الدرِّ عند جدا

26. From its script, and the judgement of the witness suffices us.
The East hoped through it to shed the garb of morals

٢٦. شهادةٌ بعلاءِ الشام كافيةٌ
من خطها وكفانا قدرُ من شهدا

27. To clothe itself thereafter in new clothes.
The East, in its affairs it was declining,

٢٧. توسم الشرق منها ان يُفارق اخ
لاق الثياب ليكسى بعدها الجددا

28. And the East, in its affairs it hopes to rise.
A stand he took in Columbian soil, wearing

٢٨. فالشرق من أُمراهُ كان في صببٍ
والشرق من أمراه يأمل الصعدا

29. From its glory a cloak.
Surrounding him from the outskirts of Syria, a garrison,

٢٩. ووقفةٍ في ربى كولومبَ قام بها
محمدٌ يكتسي من مجدها بُردا

30. Which if it lightened, no other neck would wish for a necklace but it.
So he was the proudest of the proudest of their people,

٣٠. يحفه من جوالي الشامُ منتظمٌ
لو خف لم يبغِ جيدٌ غيرهُ عقدا

31. And was the most glorious of those whose affair is glory.
We yearned for Syria until its emigrant visited it,

٣١. فكان افخر من في قومهم فخروا
وكان امجدَ من في شأنه مجدا

32. For the beloved is visited wherever he is found.
He turned affectionately to bring closer the Syrian,

٣٢. حنا على الشام حتى زارَ هاجره
إن الحبيب مزور اينما وجدا

33. As he brings closer to himself the Syrian from afar.
For he saw in him in Egypt a supporter,

٣٣. عطف يعز به الشامي مقتربا
كما يعز به الشامي مبتعدا

34. And in other than Egypt he saw in him a supporter.
Syria and Egypt are but one homeland,

٣٤. فقد رأى منه في مصر له سنداً
وفي سوى مصر منه قد رأى سندا

35. A single thread the verses have singled out.
The doubts of time have tied no rope between them,

٣٥. وما الشآم وما مصر سوى وطن
فرد من الشرق في آياته انفردا

36. A rope of love was tied before time tied it.
Their slopes are covered by the braids of gazelles, and

٣٦. صنوان ما بت ريب الدهر بينهما
حبلاً على الحب قبل الدهر قد عقدا

37. Their brothers the lions have followed in their tracks.
Every doe that tread with her hoof

٣٧. تغشى سفوحهما غيد الظباء وقد
جرت على إثرها إخوانها الأسدا

38. Left in her footsteps the imprint of its knots.
Accompanying them are brothers whose honor

٣٨. كان كل مهاةٍ أنعلت كبداً
فأثرت في خطاها رسمه الكمدا

39. No disgrace has touched, nor has any calamity in time shaken them,
From a people whose souls consider lightly

٣٩. يحفها إخوة ما نال عرضهم
عيب ولا زندهم في حادث صلدا

40. Parting with life, rather than reject an embrace or a covenant.
By God, neither Egypt nor its neighbor Syria became desolate

٤٠. من معشرٍ ترخص الأرواح عندهم
دون الإباء فلا تجفو عناق ردى

41. Except by the death of the intimate of mankind and the lions.
Oh valley of grapes, how much affection

٤١. تاللَه ما أتأمت مصر وجارتها
الشآم غلا مهاة الانس والأسدا

42. Flowed from the breast of Lebanon kindling passion!
And how many swords poured out in you shining

٤٢. وادي القرافة كم حيتك عاطفةٌ
من صدر لبنان تزجي الشوق متقدا

43. Having left behind in Columbian soil their scabbards!
In the care of the Nile are brothers of ours whose chests

٤٣. وكم تصبت سيوفاً فيك لامعةً
قد فارقت في ربى لبنانها الغمدا

44. Are armored by the pleasure of Abbas.
Cared for by my brother Abbas, an overseer

٤٤. في ذمة النيل إخوانٌ لنا ادرعت
صدورهم من رضى عباسه زردا

45. Who stays awake even if watching over them exhausts him.
Whoever lives in Syria, life is not dear to him

٤٥. ترعاهم لأخي العباس ناظرةٌ
يقظى ولو كلفت من أجلهم سهدا

46. If Muhammad calls him to a day of redemption.
A youth who tells us about him as-Sulaym, and who

٤٦. لا عاش في الشام من تغلو الحياة له
إذا محمد ناداه ليومِ فدى

47. Other than as-Sulaym, if he relates, is to be trusted.
His qualities have delighted me, so I rose through them

٤٧. فتىً يحدثنا عنه السليم ومن
مثل السليم فتىً إن حدث اعتمدا

48. As a poet singing in the gardens of poetry.

٤٨. قد أطربتني سجاياه فقمت بها
على رياض القوافي شاعراً غردا