
My poetry has become abundant since whenever

قد استظهرت شعري ثريا فكلما

1. My poetry has become abundant since whenever
I sit down to compose, rhymes come to me

١. قد استظهرت شعري ثريا فكلما
جلستُ اليها انشدتني قوافيا

2. My poetry is an orphan and without it she would not
Yearn for me, savoring our meetings

٢. يتيمها شعري ولولاه لم تكن
متيمةً بي تستطيب التلاقيا

3. And she asks me every day for a poem
Through which I broadcast to people what was hidden

٣. وتطلبُ مني كل يومٍ قصيدةً
أُذيعُ بها للناسِ ما كان خافيا

4. And tell them in it what is between us
And reveal to them how we spend our nights

٤. وأخبرهم فيها بما هو بيننا
وأُنهي إليهم كيف نقضي اللياليا

5. Thria wants my poetry to spread our love
And for me to sing of passion boastfully

٥. تريد ثريا أن يذيع غرامنا
وأن اتغنى بالغرامِ مباهيا

6. And she takes pride in them knowing I am her beloved
And that she has my heart and no other

٦. ومن فخرها أن يعرفوني حبيبها
وأن لها دون الحسان فؤاديا

7. She has monopolized my poetry and inspiration
So I became her slave and she became mine

٧. قد استأثرت مني بشعري ومهجتي
فصرت لها عبداً وصارت كذا ليا

8. And she gets angry if my poetry one day
Does not draw meanings from her eyelids

٨. وتغضب من شعري إذا جاء مرةً
ولم ينتحل من مقلتيها المعانيا

9. Indeed, a friend of mine passed away, so I eulogized him
With verses flowing with copious tears

٩. لقد ماتَ خلٌ لي فصغت له الرثا
بقافيةٍ تجري الدموعَ العواصيا

10. But when my poetry reached Thria, her tears poured forth
Adorning the roses with pearls

١٠. فلما أتى شعري ثريا تفجرت
مدامعها تكسو الورود لآليا

11. And she said, “I am jealous of a boy who passed away
While you mourn him in elegy with your poetry

١١. وقالت عرتني غيرةٌ من فتىً قضى
فخلاكَ تبكيه بشعرك راثيا

12. I wish I had died before his death
So you would compose these tearful rhymes for me

١٢. أود لو أني مت قبل مماته
لتنظم بي هذي القوافي البواكيا