
He turned away from his loved ones and companions,

نبا عن ذويه وخلانه

1. He turned away from his loved ones and companions,
And left the pastures of his homeland,

١. نبا عن ذويه وخلانه
وعاف مراتع أوطانه

2. He left his protector and exchanged a home
For a monastery and made its monks his family,

٢. وخلى حماهُ وبدل داراً
بديرٍ وأهلاً برهبانه

3. A peerless youth who defies his desires
And defeats the sultan of his devil,

٣. شبابٌ نضيرٌ يُعاصي هواهُ
ويقهر سلطانَ شيطانه

4. Takes off the silk garment and is content
With the garment of asceticism and its roughness,

٤. ويخلعُ ثوب الحرير ويرضى
بثوب الحداد واشجانه

5. He withstands hardship though driven to it
By the push of his faith,

٥. ويغشى الكريهةَ وهوَ مسوقٌ
إليها بدافع إيمانه

6. He fights heroically and defeats ignorance
And eliminates misery with his kindness,

٦. يحارب بطلاً ويصرع جهلاً
ويذهب بؤساً باحسانه

7. A messenger of virtue in every region
With many brothers as his fellow messengers,

٧. رسولُ الفضيلة في كل صقعٍ
رسولٌ كثيرٌ بإخوانه

8. The Jesuit army was but
The shadow of God manifested through His power,

٨. وما كان جيشُ اليسوعي إلا
خيالَ الالهِ بسلطانه

9. A symbol of His might on earth
And the light of His guidance for mankind,

٩. ورمزَ قواهُ على أرضهِ
ونورَ هُداهُ لأنسانه

10. He establishes laws by Christ's law
And respects the covenants with his neighbors,

١٠. يقيم الحدودَ بشرع المسيح
ويرعى العهودَ لجيرانه

11. He nurtures children with correct knowledge
That flows copiously for the seeker,

١١. ويغذو البنين بعلمٍ صحيحٍ
يفيض لطالبِ البانه

12. Were it not for the covenants of knowledge they built
Misguidance would have corrupted its structure,

١٢. ولولا معاهدُ علمٍ بناها
لطالَ الضلالُ ببنيانه

13. No priest would have risen to a pulpit
To chant His holy verses,

١٣. ولم يرق قسٌّ إلى منبرٍ
يرددُ آيات سحبانه

14. Knowledge in the East would have had no meadow
Where birds flock to its branches,

١٤. ولا كان للعلم في الشرق روضٌ
تطوف الطيورُ بافنانه

15. The doves yearn for its protection
And the thousands aspire to its peaks,

١٥. يحن الحمامُ إلى ايكه
ويهفو الهزار إلى بانه

16. Eloquence flows through it
Like a stream to its clear spring,

١٦. ويجري البيان بافيائه
نميراً إلى مستقي حانه

17. As if it has an eternal spring
So the life of April never ends,

١٧. كأن الربيع له خالدٌ
فلا ينتهي عمرُ نيسانه

18. May God protect the people who defended its sanctuary
And tended the shoots of its branches,

١٨. رعى اللَه قوماً حموا دوحه
وصانوا نواضر اغصانه

19. They made a fountain for its roses
Where knowledge flows in torrents,

١٩. واجروا لوراده منهلاً
تسيل العلوم بغدرانه

20. Every brother pledged to protect it
And stood around it like walls,

٢٠. تولاه كل اخي همةٍ
رست حوله مثل حيطانه

21. Keeping vigil over it like a loving father
As if calamity would rob it of sleep,

٢١. يقيم على طيره ساهراً
كأن الكرى خصم اجفانه

22. As protective as a father is with his children
And gentle with his little ones,

٢٢. ضنينٌ بها ضن ذي عيلةٍ
شفيقٍ برب بصبيانه

23. Its horizons fill his vision
And its voices fill his ears,

٢٣. مطالعها ملءُ الحاظه
واصواتها ملءُ آذانه

24. When the eagles of malice attacked it
He repelled them with fiery missiles,

٢٤. إذا هاجمتها نسورُ الخنى
رماها بوابل نيرانه

25. So our children are under its protection
Time is unable to breach its walls,

٢٥. فاولادنا عنده في حمىً
يهي الدهرُ عن ثلم جدرانه

26. None is like the Jesuits in our land
Loyal to Lebanon and its people,

٢٦. ومن كاليسوعي في أرضنا
تراه وفياً للبنانه

27. He spent a lifetime enduring hardships
For the good of his children and their development,

٢٧. طوى فيه قرناً يعاني جهاداً
لخير بنيه وعمرانه

28. Peace be upon you, O soldiers of Christ
Callers to beauty and virtue,

٢٨. سلامٌ عليكم جنود المسيح
دعاة الجميل وعرفانه

29. You came when our Lebanon was in darkness
And became the light for its inhabitants,

٢٩. أتيتم ولبناننا في دجى
فكنتم ضياءً لسكانه

30. When you cultivated the gardens of knowledge
The Bountiful watered it with His plenty,

٣٠. ولما حرثتم رياض العلوم
سقاها الكريم بهتَّانه

31. A century has passed over you
While you are still the cord of spring in its prime,

٣١. وقد تم قرنٌ عليكم وأنتم
كورد الربيع بابانه

32. So it is inconceivable that Lebanon will abandon you
Even if they shroud it in its winding cloth!

٣٢. فهيهات ينفك لبنان عنكم
ولو أدرجوه بأكفانه