
A garden that loves no one but her

روضة لا تحب سلمي سواها

1. A garden that loves no one but her
A temple in her morning and evening

١. روضةٌ لا تحبُّ سلمي سواها
معبداً في صباحها ومساها

2. Whenever it was time for prayer, she would attend
And be alone with God in her intimacy

٢. كلما حانتِ الصلاةُ توافيها
وتخلو لِلّه في نجواها

3. A sign of beauty that God endowed her
With all grace when He created her

٣. آيةٌ في الحسانِ قد خصها ال
باري بكل الجمال لما براها

4. And chose her for His love and protected her
Among those distinguished by their asceticism and piety

٤. واصطفاها لحبه فحماها
في ذمارٍ من زهدها وتقاها

5. And He chose for her a lover, and she saw
No protector from people destroyed by passion

٥. واصطفته لها حبيباً ولم تر
حم من الناس هالكاً بهواها

6. She loved him though she cannot see him
But it's enough that her lover can see her

٦. عشقته ولا تراه ولكن
حسبها من عشيقها أن يراها

7. And she came once to whisper to him in the garden
And went early before dawn

٧. وأتت مرّةً تناجيه في الرو
ض وقد باكرته قبل ضحاها

8. She walked on the meadows without disturbing
The meadows with her steps

٨. وتمشت على الرياحين لا تؤ
ذي الرياحينَ بالخطى قدماها

9. And knelt in the shade of a willow, speaking
Of her sorrows and weaving her life

٩. وجثت في ظلالِ صفصافة حا
كت ذؤاباتها وحاكت حياها

10. The flowers around her like the eyes
Of startled does had blossomed watching her

١٠. والأزاهير حولها مثل أحدا
ق المها قد تفتحت ترعاها

11. And she bowed to pray with her eyes
To the Dweller of the Skies and its Creator

١١. وأكبت على الصلاةِ وعينا
ها إلى ساكنِ السما وبداها

12. When a breeze through the branches like a thief
Came and kissed her mouth

١٢. فإذا بالنسيم من خلل الأغ
صان كاللص جاء يلثم فاها

13. A kiss followed by another that stirred
Her mind and ignited her passion

١٣. قبلةٌ تلوُ قبلةٍ تلو أخرى
اقلقت بالها وهاجت شجاها

14. And Salma cried for help from her Jesus
Complaining of the breeze that seduced her

١٤. واستغاثت سلمى بيسوعها تش
كو إليه النسيمَ مما دهاها

15. Beating her cheek, pounding her chest, while her Beloved
Was veiled from her, receding

١٥. تلطم الخد تلدم الصدر والمح
بوبُ عنها محجبٌ يتلاها

16. The breeze returned, kissing
Her cheek, eyelid, and lips

١٦. وأعاد النسيم كراته يل
ثم خداً ومقلةً وشفاها

17. And persisted, creeping like a snake
Beneath her clothes

١٧. وتمادى حتى تغلغل ينسل
انسلال الثعبانِ تحت رداها

18. So her heart was filled with grief at what
She felt, and she wept loudly

١٨. فتولى فؤادها جزعٌ مما
أحست واجهشت في بكاها

19. She neglected her prayer and fled
Like an angry gazelle seeking refuge

١٩. وتخلت عن الصلاة وخفت
كالغزال الغضبان تنحو حماها

20. And told her parents of her complaint
Her mother laughed, and her father

٢٠. وأفاضت لوالديها بشكوى
أضحكت أمها بها وأباها

21. A laugh at the heedless youth
Until they made her laugh, easing her torment

٢١. ضحكاً للصبا المغفل حتى
أضحكاها فسريا بلواها

22. Then her mother explained the secret to her
Of how her youth had ripened

٢٢. وخلت أمها بها تشرح السر
لها كيف تم نضجُ صباها

23. After that Salma kept attending her garden
With the breeze full of her consent

٢٣. وغدت بعد ذاك سلمى توافي
روضها والنسيمُ ملءُ رضاها

24. She permitted what was not prayer as prayer
And took what was not God as her god

٢٤. واستباحت غير الصلاة صلاةً
واستحلت غير الإله آلها