
Her father, a doctor, came to examine my ailment

أبوها طبيب جاء يفحص علتي

1. Her father, a doctor, came to examine my ailment
And my family around me, between anxiety and despair

١. أبوها طبيب جاءَ يفحص علتي
وأهلي حولي بين همٍّ وايجاسِ

2. He feels my pulse, he does not see the sickness flowing in it
And searches in my head, but the sickness is not in my head

٢. يجس عروقي لا يرى الداء طيها
ويبحث في رأسي وما الداء في راسي

3. And when he put his stethoscope to my chest and did not
Hear my heart pounding between my breaths

٣. ولما انتحى صدري لمسمعه ولم
يحس بقلبي خافقاً بين أنفاسي

4. He was left with my brother, sullen-faced and hopeless
Like someone who came to announce a calamity to Ghassas

٤. خلا بشقيقي عابسَ الوجه يائساً
كناعٍ أتى ينعي كليباً لجساسِ

5. And he said to him, this is a young man whose heart is gone
And his condition calls the doctor to despair

٥. وقال له هذا فتىً غاب قلبه
وحالته تدعو الطبيب إلى الياسِ

6. And he returned to console me, and jokingly said
Do you know who, among the people, stole your heart?

٦. وعاد يسليني وقد قال مازحاً
أتعرف من ذا لص قلبك في الناسِ

7. And I turned away from him angrily when I answered him
Surely you stole my heart, oh Asy

٧. وأعرض عني غاضباً إذ أجبتهُ
لقد سرقت قلبي ثرياك يا آسي