
Salim son of Mansur, have you not been informed

سليم بن منصور ألما تخبروا

1. Salim son of Mansur, have you not been informed
Of what transpired in the wars of Kulayb and Dahis

١. سَليمُ بنَ مَنصورٍ أَلَمّا تُخَبَّروا
بِما كانَ مِن حَربَي كُلَيبٍ وَداحِسِ

2. And what blood was shed in the war of Al-Yahabir
Permitted blood and painful flesh wounds

٢. وَما كانَ في حَربِ اليَحابِرِ مِن دَمٍ
مُباحٍ وَجَدعٍ مُؤلِمٍ لِلمَعاطِسِ

3. And what transpired in the wars of Sulaym before them
In the war of Bu`ath from the destruction of the horsemen

٣. وَما كانَ في حَربَي سُلَيمٍ وَقَبلَهُم
بِحَربِ بُعَثٍ مِن هَلاكِ الفَوارِسِ

4. The dreams therein acted foolishly out of ignorance
And every fresh and dried dates were set ablaze

٤. تَسافَهَتِ الأَحلامُ فيها جَهالَةً
وَأُضرِمَ فيها كُلُّ رَطبٍ وَيابِسِ

5. So restrain the fluttering from the foolishness of his opinion
And his friend Al-'Abbas before the young warriors

٥. فَكُفّوا خُفاقاً عَن سَفاهَةِ رَأيِهِ
وَصاحِبَهُ العَبّاسَ قَبلَ الدَهارِسِ

6. Otherwise you are like those who were before you
And none understands parables except the prudent

٦. وَإِلّا فَأَنتُم مِثلُ مَن كانَ قَبلُكُم
وَمَن يَعقِلُ الأَمثالَ غَيرُ الأَكايِسِ