1. May my mother lose me if another winter comes
Except this one, until the cycles are completed,
١. ثَكِلتِ دُرَيداً إِن أَتَت لَكِ شَتوَةٌ
سِوى هَذِهِ حَتّى تَدورَ الدَوائِرُ
2. And my hair turned gray before its time
From your crying, O Abdullah, with a fluttering heart,
٢. وَشَيَّبَ رَأسي قَبلَ حينِ مَشيبِهِ
بُكاؤُكِ عَبدَ اللَهِ وَالقَلبُ طائِرُ
3. If I were to avoid death after it,
I swear no soul can avoid it.
٣. إِذا أَنا حاذَرتُ المَنِيَّةَ بَعدَهُ
فَلا وَأَلَت نَفسٌ عَلَيها أُحاذِرُ