1. I praised Yazid son of Abd al-Madan
So honor him, for he is a man worthy of praise
١. مَدَحتُ يَزيدَ بنَ عَبدِ المَدانِ
فَأَكرِم بِهِ مِن فَتىً مُمتَدَح
2. When praise adorns a man of noble company
Indeed, Yazid beautifies praise
٢. إِذا المَدحُ زانَ فَتى مَعشَرٍ
فَإِنَّ يَزيدَ يَزينُ المِدَح
3. I singled him out among his companions
So I lit my fires when he sparked the flame
٣. حَلَلتُ بِهِ دونَ أَصحابِهِ
فَأَورى زِنادِيَ لَمّا قَدَح
4. He defended the honor of women
While another in his place would have disgraced them
٤. وَرَدَّ النِساءَ بِأَطهارِها
وَلَو كانَ غَيرُ يَزيدٍ فَضَح
5. He freed both men and each man
When God reforms a time, it is reformed
٥. وَفَكَّ الرِجالَ وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ
إِذا أَصلَحَ اللَهُ يَوماً صَلَح
6. And I said to him after freeing the women
And releasing the men and restoring propriety
٦. وَقُلتُ لَهُ بَعدَ عِتقِ النِساءِ
وَفَكِّ الرِجالِ وَرَدِّ اللِقَح
7. Grant me some horsemen from the tribe of Amir
And honor me with his breeze when it blows
٧. أَجِر لي فَوارِسَ مِن عامِرٍ
فَأَكرِم بِنَفحَتِهِ إِذ نَفَح
8. I still recognize his face
With my continual asking and his joyful presence
٨. وَما زِلتُ أَعرِفُ وَجهَهُ
بِكَرّي السُؤالَ ظُهورَ الفَرَح
9. I saw Abu Nadhar in pitched battle
In the position of dawn when it becomes clear
٩. رَأَيتُ أَبا النَضرِ في مَذجِحٍ
بِمَنزِلَةِ الفَجرِ حينَ اِتَّضَح
10. When they collide with him they are not collided with
And if they charge him, he is a butting ram
١٠. إِذا قارَعوا عَنهُ لَم يُقرَعوا
وَإِن قَدَّموهُ لَكَبشٍ نَطَح
11. If people gather he does not humiliate them
And if weighed against any, he prevails
١١. وَإِن حَضَرَ الناسُ لَم يُخزِهِم
وَإِن وازَنوهُ بِقَرنٍ رَجَح
12. Such is their young man, and the one of their superiority
Even if a snarling slanderer snarls
١٢. فَذاكَ فَتاها وَذو فَضلِها
وَإِن نابِحٌ بِفَخارٍ نَبَح