
Greet them, O clouds that pour down, and return my companions,

حيوا تماضر واربعوا صحبي

1. Greet them, O clouds that pour down, and return my companions,
Stop, for your stopping is enough for me,

١. حَيّوا تُماضِرَ وَاِربَعوا صَحبي
وَقِفوا فَإِنَّ وُقوفَكُم حَسبي

2. Al-Khunas yearns, and his heart is smitten with love for you,
And is afflicted by intense passion,

٢. أَخُناسُ قَد هامَ الفُؤادُ بِكُم
وَأَصابَهُ تَبَلٌ مِنَ الحُبِّ

3. Never have I seen or heard the like of this day,
So long, O easy-going and gentle gazelles,

٣. ما إِن رَأَيتُ وَلا سَمِعتُ بِهِ
كَاليَومِ طالي أَينُقٍ جُربِ

4. Displaying your beauty openly,
Placing gentleness in the places of aloofness,

٤. مُتَبَذِّلاً تَبدو مَحاسِنُهُ
يَضَعُ الهِناءَ مَواضِعَ النُقبِ

5. With shyness overflowing from you,
Like the scent of musk from the braids,

٥. مُتَحَسِّراً نَضَحَ الهِناءَ بِهِ
نَضحَ العَبيرِ بِرَيطَةِ العَصبِ

6. So ask them about me, O Al-Khunas, when
Distress has gripped all, what my distress is.

٦. فَسَليهُمُ عَنّي خُناسُ إِذا
عَضَّ الجَميعَ الخَطبُ ما خَطبي