1. For whom is a house ruins beside Dhat al-Khamis?
It stood out white between al-‘Aqiq and the belly of Dhars.
١. لِمَن طَلَلٌ بِذاتِ الخَمسِ أَمسى
عَفا بَينَ العَقيقِ فَبَطنِ ضَرسِ
2. I liken it to a cloudy day of planting,
Its lightning flashed or the light of a sun.
٢. أُشَبِّهُها غَمامَةَ يَومِ دَجنٍ
تَلَألَأَ بَرقُها أَو ضَوءَ شَمسِ
3. So I swear not to hear passionate love like ‘Amr’s
For she of the moles, from jinn and mankind.
٣. فَأُقسِم ما سَمِعتُ كَوَجدِ عَمروٍ
بِذاتِ الخالِ مِن جِنٍّ وَإِنسِ
4. May God protect you, O daughter of the family of ‘Amr,
From the youths, the likes of me and my soul.
٤. وَقاكِ اللَهُ يا اِبنَةَ آلِ عَمروٍ
مِنَ الفِتيانِ أَمثالي وَنَفسي
5. So bear no children, nor marry the like of me,
Whenever a night comes with misfortune.
٥. فَلا تَلِدي وَلا يَنكَحكِ مِثلي
إِذا ما لَيلَةٌ طَرَقَت بِنَحسِ
6. When the pots are overturned, wealth becomes
The in-laws of the righteous love my wedding.
٦. إِذا عُقبُ القُدورِ تَكَنَّ مالاً
تُحِبُّ حَلائِلُ الأَبرامِ عِرسي
7. The wet nurses knew in Jumada,
When they were quickened from grief and restlessness,
٧. لَقَد عَلِمَ المَراضِعُ في جُمادى
إِذا اِستَعجَلنَ عَن حَزٍّ بِنَهسِ
8. That I spend no night without meat
And begin with the widows when I alight.
٨. بِأَنّي لا أَبيتُ بِغَيرِ لَحمٍ
وَأَبدَءُ بِالأَرامِلِ حينَ أُمسي
9. That my dog bays not the guest
Nor does a wicked slave stay in my presence.
٩. وَأَنّي لا يَهِرُّ الضَيفَ كَلبي
وَلا جاري يَبيتُ خَبيثَ نَفسي
10. And you claim that I am an old man,
Yet did I tell her that I am the son of yesterday?
١٠. وَتَزعُمُ أَنَّني شَيخٌ كَبيرٌ
وَهَل أَخبَرتُها أَنّي اِبنُ أَمسِ
11. You want legs that stumble bow-legged
To jerk the stirrup of every saddle.
١١. تُريدُ أُفَيحِجَ القَدَمَينِ شَثناً
يُقَلِّعُ بِالجَديرَةِ كُلِّ كِرسِ
12. Yellow from drinking at springs morning draughts
With tusks and molars as identifiers.
١٢. وَأَصفَرَ مِن قِداحِ النَبعِ صُلبٍ
بِهِ عَلَمانِ مِن عَقَبٍ وَضَرسِ
13. I paid to the overflowing when they grew weary,
At the ascent of every sun on the knees.
١٣. دَفَعتُ إِلى المُفيضِ إِذا اِستَقَلّوا
عَلى الرَكَباتِ مَطلَعَ كُلِّ شَمسِ
14. And if barren, Tamika will repay
And if sterile, I am no lesser man.
١٤. وَإِن أَكدى فَتامِكَةٌ تُؤَدّي
وَإِن أَربى فَإِنّي غَيرُ نِكسِ
15. And from a dancing girl I drove back horses,
With rhythmic swaying heavy-hipped.
١٥. وَمُرقِصَةٍ رَدَدتُ الخَيلَ عَنها
بِموزِعَةِ التَوالي ذاتِ قِلسِ
16. And my hand falls short of no great task
That concerns me, my arrow is no lesser.
١٦. وَما قَصُرَت يَدي عَن عُظمِ أَمرٍ
أَهُمُّ بِهِ وَما سَهمي بِنَكسِ
17. And I am no waverer when matters rise high,
Great in affairs, no coward, no weakling.
١٧. وَما أَنا بِالمُزَجّى حينَ يَسمو
عَظيمٌ في الأُمورِ وَلا بِوَهسِ
18. And I crossed the breadth of the wounded at night,
Swifter than a stud on the feast day when it reclines.
١٨. وَقَد أَجتازُ عَرضَ الخَرقِ لَيلاً
بِأَعيَسَ مِن جِمالِ العيدِ جَلسِ
19. As if its shifts, when its sun shone,
Were clothes and bedsheets.
١٩. كَأَنَّ عَلى تَنائِفِهِ إِذا ما
أَضاءَت شَمسُهُ أَثوابَ وَرسِ