
Alas! Why do you blame me undeservedly?

ألا بكرت تلوم بغير قدر

1. Alas! Why do you blame me undeservedly?
You have wronged me and pierced my veil.

١. أَلا بَكَرَت تَلومُ بِغَيرِ قَدرِ
فَقَد أَحفَيتِني وَدَخَلتِ سِتري

2. If you do not stop rebuking me foolishly,
Your own soul will blame you in time.

٢. فَإِن لَم تَترُكي عَذلي سَفاهاً
تَلُمكِ عَلَيَّ نَفسُكِ أَيَّ عَصرِ

3. It pleases you that fate remains
Set against me with its ills, night and day.

٣. أَسَرَّكِ أَن يَكونَ الدَهرُ سَدّى
عَلَيَّ بِشَرِّهِ يَغدو وَيَسري

4. If you do not care for yourself or wealth,
Its loss will harm you through my long life.

٤. وَإِن لا تُرزَئي نَفساً وَمالاً
يَضُرُّكِ هُلكُهُ في طولِ عُمري

5. Your own soul has lied to you, so lie to it,
Whether with stoicism or feigned patience.

٥. لَقَد كَذَبَتكِ نَفسُكِ فَاِكذِبيها
فَإِن جَزَعاً وَإِن إِجمالَ صَبرِ

6. For I was shamed when I stood pleading
And Muawiya ibn ‘Amr did not hear me.

٦. فَإِنَّ الرُزءَ يَومَ وَقَفتُ أَدعو
فَلَم يَسمَع مُعاوِيَةُ بنُ عَمروِ

7. I saw where he had been and turned aside,
What place to turn aside to, O son of Bakr!

٧. رَأَيتُ مَكانَهُ فَعَطَفتُ زَوراً
وَأَيُّ مَكانِ زَورٍ يا اِبنَ بَكرِ

8. To a barren waste of stones and brush
And branches of oleander, somber,

٨. عَلى إِرَمٍ وَأَحجارٍ وَصيرٍ
وَأَغصانٍ مِنَ السَلَماتِ سُمرِ

9. While the structure of the tombs there
Had wasted with the years and months.

٩. وَبُنيانُ القُبورِ أَتى عَلَيها
طَوالُ الدَهرِ مِن سَنَةٍ وَشَهرِ

10. Had you heard me, you would have come hastening,
Running swiftly or rushing to me.

١٠. وَلَو أَسمَعتَهُ لَأَتى حِثيثاً
سَريعَ السَعيِ أَو لَأَتاكَ يَجري

11. With the firm step of one without fault,
When warriors don leopard skins.

١١. بِشِكَّةِ حازِمٍ لا عَيبَ فيهِ
إِذا لَبِسَ الكُماةُ جُلودَ نَمرِ

12. Now you lie in a burrow serenely,
Inhabited by spirits of the wastes.

١٢. فَإِمّا تُمسِ في جَدَثٍ مُقيماً
بِمَسهَكَةٍ مِنَ الأَرواحِ قَفرِ

13. Many a night raid have you led
Like the creeping of a hyena at date stones.

١٣. فَرُبَّتَ غارَةٍ أَوضَعتَ فيها
كَسَحِّ الهاجِري جَرَيمَ تَمرِ

14. And your death was hard for me, O son of ‘Amr!
I have no firmness or patience for it.

١٤. وَعَزَّ عَلَيَّ هُلكُكَ يا بنَ عَمروٍ
وَما لي عَنكَ مِن عَزمٍ وَصَبرِ