
I rejoice in that which makes familiarity rejoice greatly

أسر بمهلكي فيه لأني

1. I rejoice in that which makes familiarity rejoice greatly
And if my bones were asked about their decay

١. أُسَرُّ بمهلكي فيه لأنّي
أُسَرُّ بما يُسَرُّ الإِلفَ جدا

2. They would deny decay and protest
And if I were delivered from my sickness, the flames of longing would call out to me, hoping for a return

٢. ولو سئلت عظامي عن بِلاها
لانكرتِ البِلى وسمعت جَحدا

٣. ولو اُخرِجتُ من سُقمي لنادى
لهيبُ الشوق بي يرجوه ردّا