
If days were in my grasp

لو كانت الأيام في قبضتي

1. If days were in my grasp
I would scatter them to the winds like sand

١. لو كانتِ الأَيَّامُ في قبضتي
أَذَرْتُها للرِّيحِ مِثْلَ الرمالْ

2. And say, "O wind take them
And disperse them on the peaks of mountains."

٢. وقلتُ يا ريحُ بها فاذهبي
وبدِّديها في سَحيقِ الجبالْ

3. Rather, in the chasms of death in a world
Where light does not dance, nor shadows.

٣. بل في فَجاجِ الموتِ في عالَمٍ
لا يرقُصُ النُّورُ بِهِ والظِّلالْ

4. If this universe were in my grasp
I would cast it into the fire, the hellfire

٤. لو كانَ هذا الكونُ في قبضتي
أَلقيْتُهُ في النَّارِ نارِ الجحيمْ

5. What is this world and this land
And that horizon and those stars?

٥. مَا هذه الدُّنيا وهذا الوَرَى
وذلكَ الأُفْقُ وتِلْكَ النُّجُومْ

6. The fire is more deserving of the slaves of sorrow
And the theater of death and the nest of worries.

٦. النَّارُ أَوْلى بعبيدِ الأَسى
ومسرحِ الموتِ وعشِّ الهمومْ

7. O past that has passed
And been folded by death and the night of eternity,

٧. يا أَيُّها الماضي الَّذي قَدْ قَضَى
وضمَّهُ الموتُ وليلُ الأَبَدْ

8. O present of people that has not ceased,
O future that has not been born,

٨. يا حاضِرَ النَّاس الَّذي لم يَزُلْ
يا أَيُّها الآتي الَّذي لم يَلِدْ

9. Your world here is foolishness
Wandering in an endless darkness.

٩. سَخَافةٌ دُنياكُمُ هذه
تائهةٌ في ظلمةٍ لا تُحَدْ