
Oh my people, my eyes have rejoiced

يا قوم عيني شامت

1. Oh my people, my eyes have rejoiced
At the ignorance flaming in the air

١. يا قَوْمُ عَيْنَيّ شامَتْ
للجَهْلِ في الجوِّ نارا

2. It follows clouds of accumulation
Followed by darkness stirred up

٢. تَتْلو سَحاباً رُكاماً
يَتْلو قَتاماً مُثارا

3. It stirs up wind on earth
It excites dust in it

٣. يُثيرُ في الأرضِ ريحاً
يُهيجُ فيها غُبارا

4. It leaves the strong lying dead
It leaves the gentle asses

٤. تُلْفي الشَّديدَ صَريعاً
تُبْقي الأديبَ حِمارا

5. From it is the darkness of space
And people made drunk by it

٥. مِنها الفَضاءُ ظَلامٌ
والنَّاسُ منْها سُكارى

6. It has left them dizzy
And followed them with ruin

٦. قَدْ أوْرَثَتْهُمْ دُواراً
وأعْقَبَتْهُمْ خُمارا

7. A person cannot tell from it
If it was night he saw or day

٧. لا يَعْرِفُ المَرْءُ مِنها
لَيْلاً رأى أمْ نَهارا

8. Every mirage seems
To have worn splendid attire

٨. يَخالُ كُلَّ خَيالٍ
سَرَى تَسَرْبَلَ فارا

9. Oh my people, you have walked hurriedly
In the footsteps of elders

٩. يا قَوْمُ سِرتُمْ حَثيثاً
خُطًى وَرَاءً كِبارا

10. You have discarded knowledge like
One who intended to burn the few and small

١٠. نَبَذْتُمُ العِلْمَ نَبْذَ ال
نَّوى قِلًى وصَغارا

11. You have worn the garment of ignorance
You have taken it as your banner

١١. لَبِسْتُم الجَهْلَ ثَوْباً
تَخَذْتُموهُ شِعارا

12. Oh my people, why do I see you
Having settled into the home of ignorance

١٢. يا قَوْمُ مَا لي أراكُمْ
قَطَنْتُمُ الجَهْلَ دارا

13. You have wasted the glory of a people
Who built the magnificent life

١٣. أضَعْتُمُ مَجْدَ قَوْمٍ
شادوا الحَياةَ فَخارا

14. Leave the sky of glory
With what they illuminated as beacons

١٤. أبْقوا سَماءَ المَعالي
بِما أضاءوا مَنارا

15. They tailored for you a garment of pride
You have cast it off disdainfully

١٥. حاكوا لَكُمْ ثَوْبَ عِزٍّ
خَلَعْتُموهُ احتِقارا

16. Then dressed yourselves
In the clothing of disgrace and shame

١٦. ثمَّ ارتديتم
لَبوسَ خِزيٍ وعارا

17. Oh, would that my people listen
To what I say loudly

١٧. يا لَيْتَ قَوْمي أصاخوا
لِما أقولُ جِهارا

18. Oh poetry, you have heard but
My people seem drunk to me

١٨. يا شِعْرُ أسْمَعْتَ لكِنْ
قَوْمي أراهُمْ سُكارى

19. So do not care if they
Give your call enmity

١٩. فلا تُبالِ إِذا مَا
أعْطوا نِداكَ ازْوِرارا

20. And be patient with what you encounter
Break through when you stumble

٢٠. واصبِرْ على مَا تُلاقي
واصْدَعْ وُقيتَ العِثارا