
I do not weep for the tyranny of a long night,

لست أبكي لعسف ليل طويل

1. I do not weep for the tyranny of a long night,
Nor for a pleasant spring that is now desolate.

١. لستَ أَبْكي لعَسْفِ ليلٍ طويلٍ
أَوْ لرَبْعٍ غَدَا العَفَاءُ مَرَاحَهْ

2. Rather, my tears are for a grave misfortune,
That has befallen us with none to remedy.

٢. إنَّما عَبْرَتي لخَطْبِ ثَقيلٍ
قَدْ عَرَانا ولمْ نَجِدْ مَن أَزاحَهْ

3. Whenever an orator rises in this land,
Awakening his people, seeking their welfare,

٣. كلَّما قامَ في البلادِ خَطيبٌ
مُوقِظٌ شعبَهُ يُريدُ صَلاحَهْ

4. They force his spirit into oppression's shirt,
Rough and prickly, clipping his wings.

٤. أَلْبَسوا رُوحَهُ قَميصَ اضْطِهادٍ
فاتِكٍ شائِكٍ يَرُدُّ جَمَاحَهْ

5. They stifle his divine voice with violence,
Silencing his zeal and lament.

٥. أَخْمَدوا صَوْتَهُ الإِلهيَّ بالعَسْفِ
أَماتوا صُدَاحَهُ وَنُواحَهْ

6. And they plot the means of tyranny and terror,
Never considering tolerance or clemency.

٦. وَتَوَخَّوْا طَرائِقَ العَسْفِ والإِرْ
هَاقِ تَوًّا وَمَا تَوَخَّوْا سَمَاحَهْ

7. Thus are the sincere treated in every quarter,
Pelted by ruins made accessible to them.

٧. هكذا المُخْلِصونَ في كلِّ صَوْبٍ
رَشَقَاتُ الرَّدى إليهم مُتَاحَهْ

8. Though we have shared in calamities,
And our sanctuary is violated - what a violation!

٨. غَيْرَ أَنَّا تَنَاوَبَتْنا الرَّزايا
واسْتَبَاحَتْ حَمانا أَيَّ اسْتِباحَهْ

9. O beautiful Tunisia, I plunged deep
In the sea of passion - what a plunging!

٩. أَنا يا تُونُسَ الجميلَةَ في لُجِّ
الهَوَى قَدْ سَبَحْتُ أَياً سِباحَهْ

10. My creed is my profound love for you,
Though I've tasted its bitterness and wounds.

١٠. شِرْعتي حُبُّكِ العَميقُ وإنِّي
قَدْ تَذَوَّقْتُ مُرَّهُ وقَرَاحَهْ

11. I will not yield to the slanderer, even if
Old age descends upon my youth.

١١. لستُ أَنْصاعُ للوَاحي ولوْ مُتُّ
وقامَتْ على شَبابي المَنَاحَهْ

12. I care not if my blood is spilled,
For the blood of lovers is always licit.

١٢. لا أُبالي وإنْ أُرِيقَتْ دِمائي
فدِماءُ العُشَّاقِ دوماً مُبَاحَهْ

13. And time will show you, through the nights,
The sincerity of my love, loyalty and passion.

١٣. وبطُولِ المدى تُريكِ اللَّيالي
صادِقَ الحُبِّ والوَلاَ وسَجَاحَهْ

14. Though this is an era of darkness,
Beyond the gloom, I have glimpsed its dawn.

١٤. إنَّ ذا عَصْرُ ظُلْمَةٍ غَيْرَ أنِّي
مِنْ وراءِ الظَّلامِ سِمْتُ صَبَاحَهْ

15. Fate has destroyed my people's glory, but
Life will one day restore its mantle.

١٥. ضَيَّعَ الدَّهْرُ مَجْدَ شَعْبي ولكِنْ
سَتَرُدُّ الحَيَاةُ يوماً وِشَاحَهْ