1. O Death, you have torn my chest
And broken my back with sorrow
١. يا مَوْتُ قدْ مزَّقْتَ صَدْري
وقَصَمْت بالأَرزاءَ ظَهْرِي
2. You have cast me into the abyss
And mocked me, how mockingly!
٢. ورمَيْتَني مِنْ حالقٍ
وسَخِرْتَ منِّي أَيَّ سُخْرِ
3. So I remained, my heart writhing,
Dragging my wings in fright,
٣. فلَبِثْتُ مرضوضَ الفؤادِ
أَجرُّ أجنحتي بذُعْرِ
4. And you were cruel leaving me
To flounder in every hardship.
٤. وقَسَوْتَ إذْ أَبقيتَنِي في
الكونِ أَذْرَعُ كُلَّ وَعْرِ
5. And you pained me about one I love,
To whom I confide my secrets,
٥. وفَجَعْتَني فيمَنْ أُحِبُّ
ومنْ إليهِ أَبُثُّ سرِّي
6. And whom I count as my beautiful dawn
When the days darken around me.
٦. وأَعُدُّهُ فَجْرِي الجميلَ
إِذا ادْلَهَمَّ عليَّ دَهْري
7. I count him as my rose and my flute,
My wine cups and my wine,
٧. وأَعُدُّهُ وَرْدِي ومِزْماري
وكَاسَاتي وخَمْرِي
8. I count him as my forest and my shrine,
My song and my dawn.
٨. وأَعُدُّهُ غَابي ومِحْرابي
وأُغْنِيَتي وفَجْرِي
9. You have abandoned me of my pillar
And my counsel in every matter,
٩. وَرَزَأْتَني في عُمْدَتي
ومَشُورَتي في كلِّ أمْرِ
10. And destroyed a palace for me
With no other refuge, rending my veil.
١٠. وهَدَمْتَ صرحاً لا أَلوذُ
بغيرِهِ وهَتَكْتَ سِتْرِي
11. So I lost a pure soul
Nobly overflowing with all good,
١١. فَفَقَدْتُ روحاً طاهراً
شهماً يَجِيشُ بكلِّ خَيْرِ
12. And lost a heart whose only care
Was to rise in my horizon like the full moon.
١٢. وَفَقَدْتُ قلباً همُّهُ أَنْ
يستوي في الأُفقِ بدْرِي
13. And I lost a hand that in life
Would ward every evil from me,
١٣. وَفَقَدْتُ كفًّا في الحَيَاةِ
يصُدُّ عنِّي كلَّ شرِّ
14. And lost a face that frowned
Only at my sorrow and misfortune.
١٤. وَفَقَدْتُ وجهاً لا يُعَبِّسُهُ
سوى حَزَني وضُرِّي
15. And I lost a self that never deserted
Guarding my joys and tidings,
١٥. وَفَقَدْتُ نفساً لا تَني عنْ
صوْن أَفراحي وبِشْرِي
16. And I lost my pillar in life,
My banner and column of my palace.
١٦. وَفَقَدْتُ رُكني في الحَيَاةِ
ورايَتي وعمادَ قصْرِي
17. O Death, you have torn my chest
And broken my back with sorrow.
١٧. يَا مَوْتُ قَدْ مَزَّقْتَ صَدْري
وقَصَمْتَ بالأَزراءِ ظهْرِي
18. O Death, what do you want of me
When you have torn my chest?
١٨. يَا مَوْتُ ماذا تبتغِي منِّي
وقدْ مزَّقتَ صَدْرِي
19. What do you wish, when you have
Blackened my thoughts with sorrows?
١٩. ماذا تودُّ وأَنتَ قَدْ
سوَّدتَ بالأَحزانِ فِكْرِي
20. Leaving me in creation
To sigh alone with my burden,
٢٠. وتَرَكْتَني في الكائناتِ
أَئِنُّ منفرداً بإِصْرِي
21. And roam the desert of life
Crying "Where can I find my grave?"
٢١. وأَجوبُ صحراءَ الحَيَاةِ
أَقولُ أَيْنَ تُراهُ قبْرِي
22. What do you want of the tormented
In existence without any excuse?
٢٢. ماذا تَوَدُّ من المُعَذَّبِ
في الوُجُودِ بغيرِ وِزْرِ
23. What do you want of the wretched one
In his grievous and ruinous life?
٢٣. ماذا تودُّ من الشَّقيِّ
بعيشِهِ النَّكِدِ المُضِرِّ
24. If you seek me then bring the cup
I will drink it with patience,
٢٤. إنْ كنتَ تطلبُني فهاتِ
الكأسَ أَشربُها بصَبْرِ
25. Or if you watch for me then bring
The arrow - I will meet it with my neck.
٢٥. أَو كنتَ ترقُبُني فهاتِ
السَّهمَ أَرشُقُهُ بنَحْرِي
26. Take me to you, for my life
Has evaporated in the air of worries,
٢٦. خذني إليكَ فقد تبخَّرَ
في فضاءِ الهمِّ عُمْرِي
27. And the branches of my days
Have dwindled without fruit or flower.
٢٧. وتَهَدَّلَتْ أَغْصانُ أَيَّامي
بلا ثَمَرٍ وزَهْرِ
28. And the leaves of my dreams
Are scattered over the gravel of the road.
٢٨. وتناثَرَتْ أَوراقُ أَحلامي
على حَسَكِ المَمرِّ
29. Take me to you, for I have thirsted
For your bitter and painful cup.
٢٩. خذني إليكَ فقدْ ظمِئْتُ
لكأسِكَ الكَدِر الأَمرِّ
30. Take me, for I have come to hope
For your deathly pre-dawn.
٣٠. خذني فقدْ أَصبَحْتُ أَرقُبُ
في فَضَاكَ الجوْنِ فَجْرِي
31. Take me, for none is more miserable than he
Who lives a life like mine.
٣١. خذني فما أَشقى الَّذي
يقضي الحَيَاة بمِثْلَ أَمْرِي
32. O Death, you have torn my chest
And broken my back with sorrow.
٣٢. يَا مَوْتُ قَدْ مزَّقتَ صدْرِي
وقصمتَ بالأَزراءِ ظهْرِي
33. O Death, my heart lies ravaged
And desolate are the plains of my chest,
٣٣. يَا مَوْتُ قَدْ شاعَ الفؤادُ
وأقفرتْ عَرَصَاتُ صدْرِي
34. So I walk with downcast eyes
From the weight with which you have burdened my thoughts.
٣٤. وغَدَوْتُ أَمشي مُطْرِقاً مِنْ
طُول مَا أَثْقَلْتَ فِكْرِي
35. O Death, my soul is tired of life
So has not my time come?
٣٥. يَا مَوْتُ نفسي ملَّتِ الدُّنيا
فهلْ لم يأْتِ دوْرِي