
I grew weary of the nights and their pains,

سئمت الليالي وأوجاعها

1. I grew weary of the nights and their pains,
And nothing shone of their nectar,

١. سَئِمْتُ اللَّيالي وأَوجَاعَها
وما شعْشَعَتْ من رحيقٍ بِصَابْ

2. So I shattered my cup and cast it away,
Into the valley of sorrow and hell of torment.

٢. فَحَطَّمتُ كَأْسي وأَلقَيتُها
بوَادي الأَسَى وجَحيمِ العَذابْ

3. It wept as tears flooded over it,
And it settled as passion overflowed from it,

٣. فأَنَّتْ وقدْ غَمَرَتْها الدُّمُوعُ
وقَرَّتْ وقدْ فاضَ مِنْها الحَبَابْ

4. Sorrow cast its garb upon it,
And silence and gloom buried it.

٤. وأَلقى عليها الأَسَى ثَوْبَهُ
وأَقبرَها الصَّمْتُ والإكْتِئابْ

5. Where now are the wishes and their melodies?
Where are the cups and where is the wine?

٥. فأَيْنَ الأَماني وأَلْحانُها
وأَينَ الكؤوسُ وأَينَ الشَّرابْ

6. Crushed by the palms of darkness,
Drained by the lips of mirage.

٦. لقدْ سَحَقَتْها أكفُّ الظَّلامِ
وقدْ رَشَفَتْها شِفاهُ السَّرابْ

7. What life is there in a raging storm,
Whose anger is severe and cannot be answered?

٧. فمَا العَيْشُ في حَوْمَةٍ بَأْسُها
شَديدٌ وصَدَّاحُها لا يُجابْ

8. Gloomy and lonely in his pains,
His dreams cry out in lament.

٨. كَئيبٌ وَحِيدٌ بآلامِهِ
وأَحْلامِهِ شَدْوُهُ الانْتِحابْ

9. The flowers of spring withered away,
Sleeping as the dust covered them.

٩. ذَوَتْ في الرَّبيعِ أَزاهِيرُهَا
فَنِمْنَ وقدْ مَصَّهُنَّ التُّرابْ

10. If only the gazelles would incline
Their slender necks, and dreams of torment!

١٠. لوَيِنَ النُّحورَ على ذِلَّةٍ
ومُتْنَ وأَحْلامَهُنَّ العِذابْ

11. Beauty departed and fragrance vanished,
Decay ruined the magic of their charm.

١١. فَحَالَ الجَمَالُ وغَاضَ العبيرُ
وأَذْوى الرَّدَى سِحْرَهنَّ العُجَابْ