1. O mistress of poetry and dreams, sing to me
For I am weary of the gloom of the universe
١. يا ربَّةَ الشِّعرِ والأَحلام غنِّيني
فقد سَئِمْتُ وُجومَ الكونِ مِنْ حينِ
2. Indeed the nights that drenched my liver
With magic have now turned against me
٢. إنَّ اللَّيالي اللَّواتي ضمَّختْ كَبِدِي
بالسِّحْرِ أَضْحتْ مع الأَيَّامِ ترميني
3. Her misfortunes slept in my soul and found
No tender heart to console her, so console me
٣. نَاختْ بنفسي مآسيها وما وَجَدَتْ
قلباً عطوفاً يُسَلِّيها فَعَزِّيني
4. And a longing from my eternity fell down
Returned by the sorrows of life and the griefs of the wretched
٤. وهدَّ مِنْ خَلَدِي نَوْحٌ تُرَجِّعُهُ
بَلْوَى الحَيَاةِ وأَحزانُ المَسَاكينِ
5. I weep for the wretchedness of life
So when I die, who will weep for it and weep for me?
٥. على الحَيَاةِ أَنا أَبكي لشَقْوَتِها
فمنْ إِذا مُتُّ يبكيها ويبكيني
6. O mistress of poetry, sing to me for my soul is weary
Of people, the sons of devils
٦. يا رَبَّةَ الشِّعْرِ غنِّيني فقد ضَجِرَتْ
نفسي منَ النَّاسِ أبناءِ الشَّياطينِ
7. The world grew bored of me and deprived me
Of the melody of fate, the singing of the two companions
٧. تَبَرَّمَتْ بينيَ الدُّنيا وأَعوَزَها
في مِعزفِ الدَّهرِ غرِّيدُ الأَرانينِ
8. And the night's rest filled with its tears
While the appointment of love is barren, not singing to me
٨. وراحَةُ اللَّيلِ ملأَى مِنْ مدامِعِهِ
وغادَةُ الحبِّ ثَكْلى لا تغنِّيني
9. So if I take pleasure in the darkness, grieving,
Would it avail me? What use is a griever to a griever?
٩. فهلْ إِذا لُذْتُ بالظَّلماءِ مُنْتَحِباً
أَسلو وما نَفْعُ محْزونٍ لمحزونِ
10. O mistress of poetry, I am miserable, wretched
I lost what I aspired to in this lowly world
١٠. يا ربَّةَ الشِّعرِ إنِّي بائسٌ تَعِسٌ
عَدِمْتُ مَا أَرتجي في العالمِ الدُّونِ
11. And you have lyres stirred
By the revelation of heaven, so bring them and sing to me
١١. وفي يديكِ مزاميرٌ يُخالِجُها
وَحْيُ السَّماءِ فهاتيها وغَنِّيني
12. And chant to me around the home of sorrow a song
That removes from the soul the sorrows of the grieved
١٢. ورتِّلي حولَ بيتِ الحُزْنِ أُغنيةً
تجلُو عن النَّفسِ أَحوانَ الأَحايينِ
13. For my heart is a dark grave in which
Hopes were buried and cease to chant to me
١٣. فإنَّ قلبيَ قبرٌ مُظلمٌ قُبِرَتْ
فيهِ الأَماني فما عادتْ تناغيني
14. Were it not for you in this world, the strings
Of my soul would not have touched the tunes of moments
١٤. لولاكِ في هذه الدُّنيا لمَا لَمَسَتْ
أَوتارُ روحِيَ أَصواتَ الأَفانينِ
15. Nor would I have sung enthralled, nor delighted
In life by the edge of the meadows
١٥. ولا تَغَنَّيْتُ مأخوذاً ولا عَذُبَتْ
ليَ الحَيَاةُ لدى غَضِّ الرَّياحينِ
16. Nor would the soul have flourished in its branches, tinted
By a twilight that colors the cloud playfully with any dye
١٦. ولا ازدهى النَّفْسَ في أَشْجانها شَفَقٌ
يُلوِّنُ الغَيْمَ لهواً أَيَّ تلوينِ
17. Nor would my life have seemed easy, rambling
In the dawn of passion in the sleepy eyes
١٧. ولا استخفَّ حياتي وهيَ هائمةٌ
فجرُ الهَوَى في جفونِ الخُرَّدِ العِينِ
18. O mistress of poetry, sing to me, for I am miserable, wretched
I lost what I aspired to in this lowly world