1. O smile of a heart
Flooded with its tears
١. يا لاابْتِسامَةِ قَلْبٍ
مَطْلولَةٍ بدموعِهْ
2. It was upset, and nothing remained
Except tears between its ribs
٢. غاضَتْ فلمْ تُبْقِ إلاَّ
الدُّمُوعَ بَيْنَ صُدُوعِهْ
3. So it remained shouting from the pain
Of its fervent distress
٣. فَظَلَّ يَهْتُفُ من شَجْ
وِهِ وفَرْطِ ولُوعِهْ
4. Alas, is life not ending
For it the adversities
٤. ويِح الحَيَاة أَما تَنْ
قَضي لَدَيْها الرَّزايا
5. Does this time not restrain
Towards the afflictions
٥. أَما يُكَفْكِفُ هذا الزَّ
مانُ صَوْبَ البَلايا
6. O fate, have mercy, for hearts
Have become fragments
٦. يا دهرُ رفقاً فإنَّ القُ
لوبَ أَمْسَتْ شَظَايا
7. O heart, calm the tears
Of sorrow and your fervor
٧. يا قلبُ نَهْنِهْ دموعَ
الأَسى ولوْعةَ رُوعِكْ
8. Verily, the times filled with crying
Are needless of your tears
٨. إنَّ الدُّهُورَ البَواكي
غَنِيَّةٌ عَنْ دُمُوعِكْ
9. Life’s adversity is enough
So restrain sorrow in your chest
٩. حسْبُ الحَيَاةِ أَساها
فاطْوِ الأَسى في صُدُوعِكْ
10. And dream of the dawn of nights, so its
Dawn is in your passions
١٠. واحْلُمْ بفجرِ اللَّيالي فَفَجْ
رُهَا في هُجُوعِكْ
11. And if you sleep, then life
Is not to frighten you
١١. وإن غفوت فإن الحي
اة ليست تروعك
12. And the winter of sorrow will pass
And your spring will come
١٢. وسَوْفَ يمضي شتاءُ الأَسى
ويَأْتي رَبيعُكْ
13. Between the graves a girl
Whose time was unjust to her
١٣. بَيْنَ القُبورِ فتاةٌ
جارَ الزَّمانُ عليها
14. So it stripped her violently
Like the hands of demise took her parents
١٤. فافْتَكَّ منها بعُنْفٍ
كَفُّ الرَّدى أَبَويْها
15. She says while the night falls
And the grave listens to her
١٥. تقولُ واللَّيل سَاجٍ
والقبرُ مُصغٍ إليها
16. Oh, if only I had died
Before my life was ruined
١٦. يا ليتني متُّ مِنْ قَبْ
لِ أَنْ تَسوءَ حَيَاتي
17. And tears dried from my agony
And my regrets
١٧. ويَنْضُبَ الدَّمع من لو
عَتي ومِنْ حَسَراتي
18. Who will give me a grave
That takes me and my complaints
١٨. مَنْ لي بِحُفْرَةِ قَبْرٍ
تضمُّني وشَكَاتِي
19. In life one suffers
A deep, hidden illness in the chest
١٩. في الحيِّ صبٌّ يُعاني
في الصَّدْرِ داءً دَفينا
20. And in the heart a burning
And settled agony
٢٠. وفي الفُؤادِ جوًى كا
مناً وَحِسًّا مَكينا
21. Until the nights exhausted him
And his fate made him drink
٢١. حتَّى دهتْه اللَّيالي
وجرَّعتْهُ مَنُونَهْ
22. So a group of his living ones
Bade farewell to him crying
٢٢. فشيَّعَ الميْتَ جمعٌ
مِنْ حيِّهِ يَنْدُبُونَهْ
23. Until when they wanted
To place the coffin near him
٢٣. حتَّى إِذا مَا أَرادوا
رصْفَ الصَّفائِحِ دونَهْ
24. A girl cried over him
Woe to whomever you leave him to
٢٤. ناحَتْ عليهِ فتاةٌ
ويلي لمَنْ تتركونَهْ
25. The young boy hunted
Butterflies between the flowers
٢٥. كانَ الصبيُّ يَصيدُ
الفَراشَ بَيْنَ الزُّهُورِ
26. So he stepped on a soft flower
And tossed it in the stream
٢٦. فَدَاسَ زهراً نَدِيًّا
أَلقى به في الغَديرْ
27. But they took him out after
The final judgement
٢٧. فَأَخْرَجُوهُ ولكنْ
بعدَ القضاءِ الأَخيرِ
28. So the mother fell over the boy
Screaming, woe is me!
٢٨. فخرَّت الأُمُّ حولَ الصَّبِ
يِّ تصرخُ ويلي
29. I said while my heart bled
And people cried around me
٢٩. فقلتُ والقلبُ دَامٍ والنَّ
اسُ يبكونَ حولي
30. How foolish is life
Ended by a mere stumble
٣٠. مَا أَسخَفَ العيشَ تَقْ
ضِي عليهِ زلَّةُ نَعْلِ
31. An old man whom the days of sorrow made lonely
Wandering between the ruins
٣١. شيخٌ شَآهُ دَهْرُ الأَس
ى وَحيدٌ شَتِيتُ
32. Spending the night at the hills and staying
So his life spilled
٣٢. بَيْنَ الخرائبِ يُمسي
على الطَّوى ويَبِيتُ
33. And his eyes gaze at the stars
Filled with his tears
٣٣. في ظُلْمَةِ اللَّيلِ فاضَتْ
على الوُجُودِ حياتُهْ
34. And around him only ruins
That stir his silence
٣٤. وطرفُهُ يَرْمُقُ النَّجْمَ
مِلؤُهُ عَبَراتُهْ
35. So neither his beloved cried for him
Nor his darling wept for him
٣٥. وما حواليهِ إلاَّ الخَ
رابُ يُشجي صُماتُهْ
36. O flower trodden harshly
And disgraced by passersby
٣٦. فما بكاهُ فَتَاهُ
ولا بكتْهُ فتاتُهْ
37. If you were a prickly thorn
No one would step on you
٣٧. يا زهرةً سامَها العَا
برونَ خَسْفاً وهونَا
38. For they do not know the revelation
That you secretly hold
٣٨. لو كنتِ شوكاً عَضوضاً
مَا داسَكِ العابِرونا
39. They mock the whisper of flowers
Yet it is beautiful
٣٩. لأنَّهم يجهلونَ الوَحْيَ
الَّذي تُضْمِرينا
40. And listen to the voice of thorns
Though it is horrible
٤٠. هُمْ يَسْخَرونَ بهَمْسِ
الزُّهُورِ وهْوَ بَديعُ
41. So do not care about people
The truth in them is defeated
٤١. ويُنْصِتونَ لصَوْتِ الأَشواكِ
وهْوَ مُريعُ
42. My Lord, how many a girl complains of life and cries
And a deprived one whom time has placed
٤٢. فلا تُبالي بقومِ
الحقُّ فيهمْ صَريعُ
43. In the seat of misery
And a desperate one whose sole hope died
٤٣. ربَّاه كم مِنْ فتاةٍ
تشكو الحَيَاة وتبكي
44. In his heart
And a lost one in the desert
٤٤. ومُعْدَمٍ بوَّأَتْهُ الدُّهُورُ
مَقْعَدَ ضَنْكِ
45. While he is unique
Until winds of storms blew him
٤٥. ويائِسٍ ماتَ في
لُبِّهِ المَرامُ الوَحيدُ
46. While he wandered
My Lord, your mercy, for time
٤٦. وتائهٍ ضاعَ بَيْنَ القِفارِ
وهْوَ فَريدُ
47. Is severe adversity
O bird of poetry, roam
٤٧. حتَّى طَوَتْهُ منَ
العاصِفاتِ رِيحٌ شَرُودُ
48. Upon the gloomy life
And wipe with your feathers the tears
٤٨. ربَّاه رُحماكَ إنَّ الزَّمانَ
فَضٌّ شَديدُ
49. Of hearts, for they are estranged
And distract it from its sorrow
٤٩. يا طائرَ الشِّعْرِ رَوِّحْ
على الحَيَاةِ الكئيبَهْ
50. For adversity has exhausted it
And you are a beautiful spirit
٥٠. وامْسَحْ بريشِكَ دمْعَ
القُلُوبِ فهيَ غَريبَهْ
51. Among the barren plateaus
So blow in it from the flames
٥١. وعَزِّها عَنْ أَساها
فقدْ دَهَتْها المُصيبَهْ
52. Of the sky a youthful spirit
And bring with your magic to
٥٢. وأَنتَ رُوحٌ جميلٌ
بَيْنَ الهِضابِ الجديبهْ
53. Its heart the embers of youth
٥٣. فانفخْ بها من لهيبِ
السَّماءِ رُوحاً خَضيبهْ
٥٤. وابعَثْ بسحركَ في
قلبِها ضُرامُ الشَّبيبهْ