
You reached the dawn of life blind,

أدركت فجر الحياة أعمى

1. You reached the dawn of life blind,
And you did not know the darkness.

١. أَدركتَ فَجْرَ الحَيَاةِ أَعمًى
وكنتَ لا تَعْرِفُ الظَّلامْ

2. So the gloom surrounded you,
And the clouds gathered above you.

٢. فأَطْبَقَتْ حَوْلَكَ الدَّياجِي
وغامَ مِنْ فوْقِكَ الغَمَامْ

3. You lived in a frightful solitude
With thoughts that were all thorns.

٣. وعِشْتَ في وَحْشَةٍ تُقاسي
خواطراً كلّها ضرامْ

4. And a loneliness that had no friend,
And a darkness that had no end,

٤. وغُرْبَة مَا بِها رَفيقٌ
وظلمةٍ مَا لها خِتامْ

5. Wandering the wilderness of existence alone,
Afflicted by poverty and disease.

٥. تشقُّ تِيهَ الوُجُودِ فرداً
قَدْ عضَّكَ الفَقْرُ والسُّقَامْ

6. And misfortunes chased your soul
As peace fled from your heart.

٦. وطارَدَتْ نَفْسَكَ المآسي
وفَرَّ مِنْ قَلْبِكَ السَّلامْ

7. Be gentle with your heart if
You cannot see the stars,

٧. هوِّنْ على قلبك المعنَّى
إنْ كُنْتَ لا تُبْصِرُ النُّجُومْ

8. Nor see the forest murmuring
With clouds floating over it.

٨. ولا ترى الغابَ وهو يلغو
وفوقه تَخْطُرُ الغُيومْ

9. Nor see the singing stream
With mist dancing around it.

٩. ولا ترى الجَدْوَلَ المغنِّي
وحَوْلَهُ يَرْقُصُ الغيمْ

10. For we are all wretched and deserving
Of the mercy of the Almighty Creator.

١٠. فكلُّنا بائسٌ جديرٌ
برأْفَةِ الخَالقِ العَظيمْ

11. And we are all blind in life,
Led by fruitless confusion.

١١. وكلُّنا في الحَيَاةِ أعمى
يَسُوقهُ زَعْزَعٌ عَقِيمْ

12. And around us shriek the fates
As if they were the hellfire.

١٢. وحوله تَزْعَقُ المنايا
كأنَّها جنَّةُ الجَحِيمْ

13. My friend, life is a wasteland,
Frightening, with mirage water.

١٣. يا صاحِ إنَّ الحَيَاة قفرٌ
مروِّعٌ ماؤهُ سَرَابْ

14. The eye reaps from it only
The thorns and dust of sorrow.

١٤. لا يجتني الطَّرْفُ منه إلاَّ
عَواطفَ الشَّوْكِ والتُّرابْ

15. And the happiest people in it are the blind
Who do not see the horror and calamity,

١٥. وأَسعدُ النَّاس فيه أَعمى
لا يُبْصِرُ الهول والمُصَابْ

16. Who do not see the wilds of existence
Melting in the flames of torment.

١٦. ولا يرى أَنْفُسَ البرايا
تَذُوبُ في وقْدَةِ العَذَابْ

17. So praise the God of life and be content
In it with your songs of lament.

١٧. فاحمد إِلهَ الحَيَاةِ واقنعْ
فيها بأَلْحانِكَ العِذَابْ

18. And live however the nights willed
With the sigh of the flute and lute.

١٨. وعِشْ كما شاءَتِ اللَّيالي
مِنْ آهَةِ النَّايِ والرَّبَابْ