
Should I congratulate or complain of your absence, saying:

أهنيك أم أشكو فراقك قائلا

1. Should I congratulate or complain of your absence, saying:
Oh, would that I were the shackled prisoner!

١. أَهَنّيكَ أَم أَشكو فِراقَكَ قائِلاً
أَيا لَيتَني كُنتُ السَجينَ المُصَفَّدا

2. For had you lived in the era of Jacob's son, he would not have said
To his companion: "Remember me and forget me not tomorrow!"

٢. فَلَو كُنتَ في عَهدِ اِبنِ يَعقوبَ لَم يَقُل
لِصاحِبِهِ اِذكُرني وَلا تَنسَني غَدا