
O Jack, you are unique in your time

يا جاك إنك في زمانك واحد

1. O Jack, you are unique in your time
And every age has one that cannot be matched

١. يا جاكُ إِنَّكَ في زَمانِكَ واحِدٌ
وَلِكُلِّ عَصرٍ واحِدٌ لا يُلحَقُ

2. Those before have lived with you and missed
Hearing you, as if they were never created

٢. إِنَّ الأُلى قَد عاصَروكَ وَفاتَهُم
أَن يَسمَعوكَ كَأَنَّهُم لَم يُخلَقوا

3. Moses came with a staff, and you came to us
With a lute singing in your hands and speaking

٣. قَد جاءَ موسى بِالعَصا وَأَتَيتَنا
بِالعودِ يَشدو في يَدَيكَ وَيَنطِقُ

4. So when you improvised songs for us, we were all
Smitten, with passions set ablaze

٤. فَإِذا اِرتَجَلتَ لَنا الغِناءَ فَكُلُّنا
مُهَجٌ تَسيلُ وَأَنفُسٌ تَتَحَرَّقُ

5. Some calling for repetition, some
For more, applauding and cheering

٥. فَمُطالِبٌ بِإِعادَةٍ وَمَطالِبٌ
بِزِيادَةٍ وَمُهَلِّلٌ وَمُصَفِّقُ

6. Ears competing towards you whenever
You sang them yearningly, and they would hug

٦. تَتَسابَقُ الأَسماعُ صَوبَكَ كُلَّما
غَنَّيتَها شَوقاً إِلَيكَ وَتُعنِقُ

7. And hearts wishing if they could hang
By their fringes onto you

٧. وَتَوَدُّ أَفئِدَةٌ هَتَكتَ شَغافَها
لَو أَنَّها بِذُيولِها تَتَعَلَّقُ

8. A nature as the companion desired, an essence
That makes the bosom of the friendly radiant and fragrant

٨. خُلُقٌ كَما شاءَ الجَليسُ وَشيمَةٌ
يَذكو بِها صَدرُ النَدِيِّ وَيَعبَقُ

9. And a generosity that if it were
Divided among the Jews, they would excel and give charity

٩. وَمُروءَةٌ لَو أَنَّها قَد قُسِّمَت
بَينَ اليَهودِ لَأَحسَنوا وَتَصَدَّقوا