
Restore our glory in life and religion

أعيدوا مجدنا دنيا ودينا

1. Restore our glory in life and religion
And defend the heritage of Muslims

١. أَعيدوا مَجدَنا دُنيا وَدينا
وَذودوا عَن تُراثِ المُسلِمينا

2. So who cares for other than Allah among us
While we are the sons of the conquering openers

٢. فَمَن يَعنو لِغَيرِ اللَهِ فينا
وَنَحنُ بَنو الغُزاةِ الفاتِحينا

3. We ruled the command above the earth for an era
And we immortalized the memory on the days

٣. مَلَكنا الأَمرَ فَوقَ الأَرضِ دَهراً
وَخَلَّدنا عَلى الأَيّامِ ذِكرى

4. A time came that forgot the justice of Chosroes
That was the era of the Rightly-Guided

٤. أَتى عُمَرٌ فَأَنسى عَدلَ كِسرى
كَذَلِكَ كانَ عَهدُ الراشِدينا

5. We gathered the clouds in the days of Ar-Rashid
And people lived in comfort and abundance

٥. جَبَينا السُحبَ في عَهدِ الرَشيدِ
وَباتَ الناسُ في عَيشٍ رَغيدِ

6. And virtues crowned every excellence
And our motto was softness and flexibility

٦. وَطَوَّقَتِ العَوارِفُ كُلَّ جيدِ
وَكانَ شِعارُنا رِفقاً وَلينا

7. Ask Baghdad and Islam was its religion
Did it have a match in the world

٧. سَلوا بَغدادَ وَالإِسلامَ دينُ
أَكانَ لَها عَلى الدُنيا قَرينُ

8. Men firm against tribulations do not bend
And knowledge supported the clear conquest

٨. رِجالٌ لِلحَوادِثِ لا تَلينُ
وَعِلمٌ أَيَّدَ الفَتحَ المُبينا

9. So we are not from them and the East suffered
If we do not spare it the hardship of time

٩. فَلَسنا مِنهُمُ وَالشَرقُ عانى
إِذا لَم نَكفِهِ عَنَتَ الزَمانِ

10. And raise it to the highest position
As they raised it or we meet demise

١٠. وَنَرفَعُهُ إِلى أَعلى مَكانٍ
كَما رَفَعوهُ أَو نَلقى المَنونا