
Your noble father raised you on piety

رباك والدك الكريم على التقى

1. Your noble father raised you on piety
And on integrity and a pure conscience

١. رَبّاكَ والِدُكَ الكَريمُ عَلى التُقى
وَعَلى النَزاهَةِ وَالضَميرِ الطاهِرِ

2. So you were brought up with care and attention
And you excelled in praises and glories

٢. فَنَشَأتَ بَينَ رِعايَةٍ وَعِنايَةٍ
وَدَرَجتَ بَينَ مَحامِدٍ وَمَفاخِرِ

3. And you rose, O eminent one, to the height of glory
And you outshone your people with rare intelligence

٣. وَسَمَوتَ يا سامي إِلى أَوجِ العُلا
وَبَرَعتَ قَومَكَ بِالذَكاءِ النادِرِ

4. Your father cultivated our minds and souls
So congratulate your faithful and glorious father

٤. رَبّى أَبوكَ عُقولَنا وَنُفوسَنا
فَاِهنَأ بِوالِدِكَ الأَمينِ وَفاخِرِ

5. And congratulate what you have been given of blessing
In the reign of our illustrious Prince

٥. وَاِهنَأ بِما أوتيتَهُ مِن نِعمَةٍ
في عَهدِ مَولانا الأَميرِ الزاهِرِ

6. O you who fills the throne with awe
And competence, O delight of the beholder

٦. يا مالِئَ الكُرسِيِّ مِنهُ مَهابَةً
وَكِفايَةً يا مِلءَ عَينِ الناظِرِ

7. Indeed, the one you have been entrusted with is in need
Of strong resolve that pushes ahead and wise strategy

٧. إِنَّ الَّتي قُلِّدتَها في حاجَةٍ
لِعَزيمَةٍ تَمضي وَرَأيٍ باتِرِ

8. So spread your light throughout governance
And take control of matters with the grip of the Able

٨. فَأَفِض ضِياءَكَ في النَظارَةِ كُلِّها
وَاِقبِض عَلى الأَعمالِ قَبضَ القادِرِ

9. And serve your country with what you have been given
Of shrewdness, and minimize the flaws of the flawed

٩. وَاِخدُم بِلادَكَ بِالَّذي أوتيتَهُ
مِن فِطنَةٍ وَأَقِل عِثارَ العاثِرِ

10. I congratulated Egypt, its Nile, and its men
When I saw you in the clothes of the commander

١٠. هَنَّأتُ مِصرَ وَنيلَها وَرِجالَها
لَمّا رَأَيتُكَ في ثِيابِ الآمِرِ

11. And I saw your high status in the diwan
And people chanting fragrant praise

١١. وَرَأَيتُ في الديوانِ قَدرَكَ عالِياً
وَالناسُ تَهتِفُ بِالثَناءِ العاطِرِ

12. Among those acknowledging your merit overtly
Or beseeching blessings and thanks for you

١٢. ما بَينَ مُعتَرِفٍ بِفَضلِكَ مُعلِنٍ
أَو ضارِعٍ لَكَ بِالدُعاءِ وَشاكِرِ

13. Greetings O blessed Nile engineer
From an Egypt that a poet's greeting extols

١٣. أَمُهَندِسَ النيلِ السَعيدِ تَحِيَّةً
مِن مِصرَ تَحدوها تَحِيَّةُ شاعِرِ

14. Praying your God to multiply among us
The likes of eminent Sami in the present time

١٤. يَدعو إِلَهَكَ أَن يُكَثِّرَ بَينَنا
أَمثالَ سامي في الزَمانِ الحاضِرِ