
In the days of ignorance and Islam, his awe

في الجاهلية والإسلام هيبته

1. In the days of ignorance and Islam, his awe
Bent adversities, so they do not cross his bounds

١. في الجاهِلِيَّةِ وَالإِسلامِ هَيبَتُهُ
تَثني الخُطوبَ فَلا تَعدو عَواديها

2. In the sheath of his sharpness, the secrets of tenderness
For both worlds, but he does not divulge them

٢. في طَيِّ شِدَّتِهِ أَسرارُ مَرحَمَةٍ
لِلعالَمينَ وَلَكِن لَيسَ يُفشيها

3. And between his sides in his utmost integrity
Is the heart of a mother caring for her young

٣. وَبَينَ جَنبَيهِ في أَوفى صَرامَتِهِ
فُؤادُ والِدَةٍ تَرعى ذَراريها

4. His gentle pearl made the polished sword dispensable
So how many times did it restrain the transgressing soul

٤. أَغنَت عَنِ الصارِمِ المَصقولِ دِرَّتُهُ
فَكَم أَخافَت غَوِيَّ النَفسِ عاتيها

5. It was for him like the staff of Moses to its owner
The hero does not descend, traversing its valleys

٥. كانَت لَهُ كَعَصا موسى لِصاحِبِها
لا يَنزِلُ البُطلُ مُجتازاً بِواديها

6. It startled even the children in their playing
And startled even the singing girls in their amusement

٦. أَخافَ حَتّى الذَراري في مَلاعِبِها
وَراعَ حَتّى الغَواني في مَلاهيها

7. Have you seen her who sang rarely for Allah
A song she dedicates to the Messenger of Allah

٧. أَرَيتَ تِلكَ الَّتي لِلَّهِ قَد نَدَرَت
أُنشودَةً لِرَسولِ اللَهِ تُهديها

8. She said, "I vow, if the Prophet returns to us
From a raid I will sing beating my duff"

٨. قالَت نَذَرتُ لَئِن عادَ النَبِيُّ لَنا
مِن غَزوَةٍ لَعَلى دُفّي أُغَنّيها

9. She headed to the presence of the Guide, her aura
Filled the surroundings of his abode

٩. وَيَمَّمَت حَضرَةَ الهادي وَقَد مَلَأَت
أَنوارُ طَلعَتِهِ أَرجاءَ ناديها

10. She asked permission, walked with the duff and broke out
Singing melodies however she wished

١٠. وَاِستَأذَنَت وَمَشَت بِالدُفِّ وَاِندَفَعَت
تُشجى بِأَلحانِها ما شاءَ مُشجيها

11. And Al-Mustafa and Abu Bakr by his side
Do not forbid her from her songs

١١. وَالمُصطَفى وَأَبو بَكرٍ بِجانِبِهِ
لا يُنكِرانِ عَلَيها مِن أَغانيها

12. Until Umar appeared to her from afar
Her strength failed her and fear almost destroyed her

١٢. حَتّى إِذا لاحَ مِن بُعدٍ لَها عُمَرٌ
خارَت قُواها وَكادَ الخَوفُ يُرديها

13. She hid her duff in her clothes afraid
Wishing that the earth would swallow her

١٣. وَخَبَّأَت دُفَّها في ثَوبِها فَرَقاً
مِنهُ وَوَدَّت لَوَ اِنَّ الأَرضَ تَطويها

14. The Messenger of Allah’s forbearance gave her comfort
Then came Abu Hafs’ might frightening her

١٤. قَد كانَ حِلمُ رَسولِ اللَهِ يُؤنِسُها
فَجاءَ بَطشُ أَبي حَفصٍ يُخَشّيها

15. So the descent of Allah's revelation smiled
And in his smile is meaning that consoles her

١٥. فَقالَ مَهبِطُ وَحيِ اللَهِ مُبتَسِماً
وَفي اِبتِسامَتِهِ مَعنىً يُواسيها

16. Her devil fled when it saw Umar
Verily the devils dread his awful might

١٦. قَد فَرَّ شَيطانُها لَمّا رَأى عُمَراً
إِنَّ الشَياطينَ تَخشى بَأسَ مُخزيها