
Have you not seen along the road to Kyad

ألم تر في الطريق إلى كياد

1. Have you not seen along the road to Kyad
How fate ensnares the wretched of both worlds

١. أَلَم تَرَ في الطَريقِ إِلى كِيادِ
تَصيدُ البَطَّ بُؤسَ العالَمينا

2. Have you not glimpsed the tears of men flowing
From agony, have you not heard our groans

٢. أَلَم تَلمَح دُموعَ الناسِ تَجري
مِنَ البَلوى أَلَم تَسمَع أَنينا

3. Have you not told the sons of Tamiz about us
When they sent you as an honest emissary

٣. أَلَم تُخبِر بَني التاميزِ عَنّا
وَقَد بَعَثوكَ مَندوباً أَمينا

4. That we have touched betrayal by the hand
And our suspicions of you have become certainty

٤. بِأَنّا قَد لَمَسنا الغَدرَ لَمساً
وَأَصبَحَ ظَنُّنا فيكُم يَقينا

5. We have uncovered your intentions so you are no longer
Concealed now that secrecy has departed from us

٥. كَشَفنا عَن نَواياكُم فَلَستُم
وَقَد بَرِحَ الخَفاءُ مُحايِدينا

6. We will gather up our affair and you will see in us
At the decisive moment, patient noblemen

٦. سَنُجمِعُ أَمرَنا وَتَرَونَ مِنّا
لَدى الجُلّى كِراماً صابِرينا

7. And we will take our right despite the enemies
Who conspire against us and despite the unjust

٧. وَنَأخُذُ حَقَّنا رَغمَ العَوادي
تُطيفُ بِنا وَرَغمَ القاسِطينا

8. You have set around our leaders a cordon
Of fires that exhaust the armored ones

٨. ضَرَبتُم حَولَ قادَتِنا نِطاقاً
مِنَ النيرانِ يُعيي الدارِعينا

9. Despite self-respect you have prevailed
But in shackles and chains

٩. عَلى رَغمِ المُروءَةِ قَد ظَفِرتُم
وَلَكِن بِالأُسودِ مُصَفَّدينا