
We slept and woke to find ourselves drowning

قد غفونا وانتبهنا فإذا

1. We slept and woke to find ourselves drowning,
And death was lurking close at hand,

١. قَد غَفَونا وَاِنتَبَهنا فَإِذا
نَحنُ غَرقى وَإِذا المَوتُ أَمَم

2. Then came a destined respite
In which time worked its wiles and struck in our weakness.

٢. ثُمَّ كانَت فَترَةٌ مَقدورَةٌ
غَرَّ فينا الدَهرُ ضَعفٌ فَهَجَم

3. We pulled ourselves together and found new strength
To shake the pillars of the nights, and they collapsed.

٣. فَتَماسَكنا فَكانَت قُوَّةٌ
زَلزَلَت رُكنَ اللَيالي فَاِنهَدَم

4. There was a wound of love lodged in our souls,
God looked on it, and it healed.

٤. كانَ في الأَنفُسِ جُرحٌ مِن هَوىً
نَظَرَ اللَهُ إِلَيهِ فَاِلتَأَم

5. We sought a free and unfettered life
Beneath God's shade, not the shade of nations.

٥. فَنَشَدنا العَيشَ حُرّاً طَلَقاً
تَحتَ ظِلِّ اللَهِ لا ظِلِّ الأُمَم

6. And truly, those threads will not unravel
Who cling to God's cord and are garmented in patience.

٦. وَحَقيقٌ أَن يُوَفّى حَقَّهُ
مَن بِحَبلِ اللَهِ وَالصَبرِ اِعتَصَم

7. A man's own conceit spells his ruin
Dissension spells ruin for a people.

٧. آفَةُ المَرءِ إِذا المَرءُ وَنى
آفَةُ الشَعبِ إِذا الشَعبُ اِنقَسَم

8. None among us turns tail or veers sideways
Or dams the Nile to flood the meadows.

٨. لَيسَ مِنّاً مَن يَني أَو يَنثَني
أَو يَعُقُّ النيلَ في رَعيِ الذِمَم

9. O youth of Egypt, tell Egypt what you were sold for,
Tell it what grand ideals go for these days.

٩. نَشءَ مِصرٍ نَبِّئوا مِصراً بِكَم
تَشتَرونَ المَقصِدَ الأَسمى بِكَم

10. With struggle does the will grow keener
With vigilance atop the heights is rest made sweet.

١٠. بِنِضالٍ يُصقَلُ العَزمُ بِهِ
وَسُهادٍ في العُلا حُلوِ الأَلَم

11. I boast not of the past, nor count the present
Mean or sublime in fortune's fickle gaze.

١١. أَنا لا أَفخَرُ بِالماضي وَلا
أَحسَبُ الحاضِرَ يُطرى أَو يُذَم

12. My sole concern is that I see you tomorrow
Lions still, as you were in the jungles of yore.

١٢. كُلُّ هَمّي أَن أَراكُم في غَدٍ
مِثلَ ما كُنتُم أُسوداً في أَجَم

13. The only youth deserving of the name
Is he who'd plunge into the fire for glory.

١٣. فَالفَتى كُلُّ الفَتى مَن لَو رَأى
في اِقتِحامِ النارِ عِزّاً لَاِقتَحَم

14. Do not imagine, life is but the pursuit of dreams,
Those days are done, dead and gone.

١٤. لا تَظُنّوا العَيشَ أَحلامَ المُنى
ذاكَ عَهدٌ قَد تَوَلّى وَاِنصَرَم

15. Life is a struggle 'twixt poverty and wealth,
A contest 'twixt fitness and disease.

١٥. هُوَ حَربٌ بَينَ فَقرٍ وَغِنىً
وَصِراعٌ بَينَ بُرءٍ وَسَقَم

16. Fire with fuel − and should the stoker sleep,
The flames will spread and rage.

١٦. هُوَ نارٌ وَوَقودٌ فَإِذا
غَفَلَ الموقِدُ فَالنارُ حَمَم

17. Shake off your slumbers and toil for the heights,
The heights exact a price from those who sleep.

١٧. فَاِنفُضوا النَومَ وَجِدّوا لِلعُلا
فَالعُلا وَقفٌ عَلى مَن لَم يَنَم

18. You'll gather nothing, dreaming of its lips
Whether bidding adieu or greeting the new morn

١٨. لَيسَ يَجني مَن تَمَنّى وَصلَها
وانِياً أَو وادِعاً غَيرَ النَدَم

19. except regret. Better not to wish at all.
Resolve spells a man's mettle when he's resolved.

١٩. وَالأَماني شَرُّ ما تُمنى بِهِ
هِمَّةُ المَرءِ إِذا المَرءُ اِعتَزَم

20. You applaud resolve and marvel at its edge,
Quenching fervor like water douses flames.

٢٠. تَحمِدُ العَزمَ وَتَثني حَدَّهُ
فَهيَ كَالماءِ لِإِخمادِ الضَرَم

21. Consider Japan in the East, its standards flutter
at the pinnacle unfurled.

٢١. وَاُنظُروا اليابانَ في الشَرقِ وَقَد
رَكَّزَت أَعلامَها فَوقَ القِمَم

22. They battled ignorance before we did
til ignorance was beaten and outclassed.

٢٢. حارَبوا الجَهلَ وَكانوا قَبلَنا
في دُجى عَميائِهِ حَتّى اِنهَزَم

23. Ask it not of the elite but its plebs,
its ambitions scale the highest citadels.

٢٣. فَاِسأَلوا عَنها الثُرَثّا لا الثَرى
إِنَّها تَحتَلُّ أَبراجَ الهِمَم

24. Ambitions drive science toward the noblest ends
unhampered by fatigue or ennui,

٢٤. هِمَمٌ يَمشي بِها العِلمُ إِلى
أَنبَلِ الغاياتِ لا تَدري السَأَم

25. so that whenever it attempts something its days
fall into ranks behind it serving as troops.

٢٥. فَهيَ أَنّى حاوَلَت أَمراً مَشَت
خَلفَها الأَيّامُ في صَفِّ الخَدَم

26. It matters not if the ground shakes under it
or star collides into star above it stumbled.

٢٦. لا تُبالي زُلزِلَت مِن تَحتِها
أَم عَلَيها النَجمُ بِالنَجمِ اِصطَدَم

27. It made the rising sun its emblem, as if
the sun's enough symbol for sublime renown.

٢٧. تَخِذَت شَمسَ الضُحى رَمزاً لَها
وَكَفى بِالشَمسِ رَمزاً لِلعِظَم

28. Thus it rests not, seeking to climb nigh
the sun's domain: unclimbed terrain.

٢٨. فَهيَ لا تَألو صُعوداً تَبتَغي
جانِبَ الشَمسِ مَكاناً لَم يُرَم