1. I have not indulged in praise or flirtation,
Nor have I wavered between passion and humiliation,
١. بَلَغتُكَ لَم أَنسُب وَلَم أَتَغَزَّلِ
وَلَمّا أَقِف بَينَ الهَوى وَالتَذَلُّلِ
2. I have not described a cup, nor wept over an abode,
I have not claimed glory or dressed with affectation,
٢. وَلَمّا أَصِف كَأساً وَلَم أَبكِ مَنزِلاً
وَلَم أَنتَحِل فَخراً وَلَم أَتَنَبَّلِ
3. So there was no room left in my heart for your praise
Where memories of a beloved and home might wander.
٣. فَلَم يُبقِ في قَلبي مَديحُكَ مَوضِعاً
تَجولُ بِهِ ذِكرى حَبيبٍ وَمَنزِلِ
4. I saw you while eyes around you were downcast
So I said: "Is that Abu Hafs or is it Ali?"
٤. رَأَيتُكَ وَالأَبصارُ حَولَكَ خُشَّعٌ
فَقُلتُ أَبو حَفصٍ بِبُردَيكَ أَم عَلي
5. And I lowered my sadness for the glory of a nation
You saved when misfortune climbed and took hold,
٥. وَخَفَّضتُ مِن حُزني عَلى مَجدِ أُمَّةٍ
تَدارَكتَها وَالخَطبُ لِلخَطبِ يَعتَلي
6. You rose with it in blessing from the best of dawns
And for its triumph you were like Ibn Muqbil’s wine cup.
٦. طَلَعتَ بِها بِاليُمنِ مِن خَيرِ مَطلَعٍ
وَكُنتَ لَها في الفَوزِ قِدحَ اِبنِ مُقبِلِ
7. You unsheathed for the youths a sword of resolve
With two edges: Quranic signs, a revelation descended!
٧. وَجَرَّدتَ لِلفُتيا حُسامَ عَزيمَةٍ
بِحَدَّيهِ آياتُ الكِتابِ المُنَزَّلِ
8. With it you erased in religion every misguidance
And affirmed what no one astray could make firm.
٨. مَحَوتَ بِهِ في الدينِ كُلَّ ضَلالَةٍ
وَأَثبَتَّ ما أَثبَتَّ غَيرَ مُضَلَّلِ
9. If jurisprudence is blessed by an exceptional one through you,
Islam is blessed by the best one through you!
٩. لَئِن ظَفِرَ الإِفتاءُ مِنكَ بِفاضِلٍ
لَقَد ظَفِرَ الإِسلامُ مِنكَ بِأَفضَلِ
10. No one has untied tangled problems with wisdom
But you, no one more fitting for each twisted turn!
١٠. فَما حَلَّ عَقدَ المُشكِلاتِ بِحِكمَةٍ
سِواكَ وَلا أَربى عَلى كُلِّ حُوَّلِ