1. Hold your horses till the flags flutter
And watch what the young men will make happen
١. رُوَيدَكَ حَتّى يَخفِقَ العَلَمانِ
وَتَنظُرَ ما يَجري بِهِ الفَتَيانِ
2. For Egypt is not morsels for the hungry, like Sudan
But rather it is mortgaged for eras
٢. فَما مِصرُ كَالسودانِ لُقمَةُ جائِعٍ
وَلَكِنَّها مَرهونَةٌ لِأَوانِ
3. They called me but I was not shaken to endure them
For their people's cunning splits my time
٣. دَعاني وَما أَرجَفتُما بِاِحتِمالِهِ
فَإِنِّ بِمَكرِ القَومِ شِقُّ زَماني
4. I see Egypt, Sudan and India as one
Where Lourd and Vaughan race
٤. أَرى مِصرَ وَالسودانَ وَالهِندَ واحِداً
بِها اللُردُ وَالفيكُنتُ يَستَبِقانِ
5. And my greatest expectation is that their day of clarity
And day of resurrection of creation are coupled
٥. وَأَكبَرُ ظَنّي أَنَّ يَومَ جَلائِهِم
وَيَومَ نُشورِ الخَلقِ مُقتَرِنانِ
6. When the waters recede from every surging wave
And the mansions of shooting stars fall for the young
٦. إِذا غاضَتِ الأَمواهُ مِن كُلِّ مُزبِدٍ
وَخَرَّت بُروجُ الرَجمِ لِلحَدَثانِ
7. And era of Al-Samhari and his Lord returns
And every Yemini is judged in Heyja
٧. وَعادَ زَمانُ السَمهَرِيِّ وَرَبِّهِ
وَحُكِّمَ في الهَيجاءِ كُلُّ يَماني
8. There, recall day of relief and awaken
The slumbering elders who mourn
٨. هُناكَ اِذكُرا يَومَ الجَلاءِ وَنَبِّها
نِياماً عَلَيهِم يَندُبُ الهَرَمانِ