
The prince of poets in the East lamented you,

رثاك أمير الشعر في الشرق وانبرى

1. The prince of poets in the East lamented you,
And the great writers of Egypt rose up to praise you.

١. رَثاكَ أَميرُ الشِعرِ في الشَرقِ وَاِنبَرى
لِمَدحِكَ مِن كُتّابِ مِصرَ كَبيرُ

2. I do not care if after them I, a lesser poet, mourn you,
If it is said about me, "The young one has mourned him."

٢. وَلَستُ أُبالي حينَ أَرثيكَ بَعدَهُ
إِذا قيلَ عَنّي قَد رَثاهُ صَغيرُ

3. You were a helper to the weak, and I am weak, with no ally in life.
I do not care if I weep for you before all people,

٣. فَقَد كُنتَ عَوناً لِلضَعيفِ وَإِنَّني
ضَعيفٌ وَما لي في الحَياةِ نَصيرُ

4. Whether paradise or hell has embraced you.
For I love the eminent for their knowledge,

٤. وَلَستُ أُبالي حينَ أَبكيكَ لِلوَرى
حَوَتكَ جِنانٌ أَم حَواكَ سَعيرُ

5. And passionately love the garden of thought, which is like light.
You called to Jesus, so churches clamored,

٥. فَإِنّي أُحِبُّ النابِغينَ لِعِلمِهِم
وَأَعشَقُ رَوضَ الفِكرِ وَهوَ نَضيرُ

6. And a throne quaked, and a holy shrine leaned.
Some people said it is the words of an atheist,

٦. دَعَوتَ إِلى عيسى فَضَجَّت كَنائِسٌ
وَهُزَّ لَها عَرشٌ وَمادَ سَريرُ

7. And some people said he is a harbinger.
If not for the protection that defended you from their plots,

٧. وَقالَ أُناسٌ إِنَّهُ قَولُ مُلحِدٍ
وَقالَ أُناسٌ إِنَّهُ لَبَشيرُ

8. You would have been distressed and met an evil fate.
But science, reason and argument protected you,

٨. وَلَولا حُطامٌ رَدَّ عَنكَ كِيادَهُم
لَضِقتَ بِهِ ذَرعاً وَساءَ مَصيرُ

9. As did wealth when the conflict grew intense.
When you visited the two prisoners in a pit,

٩. وَلَكِن حَماكَ العِلمُ وَالرَأيُ وَالحِجا
وَمالٌ إِذا جَدَّ النِزالُ وَفيرُ

10. Where asceticism sits humbly and intelligence is veiled,
And saw the charm of asceticism in the wilderness of desolation,

١٠. إِذا زُرتَ رَهنَ المَحبَسَينِ بِحُفرَةٍ
بِها الزُهدُ ثاوٍ وَالذَكاءُ سَتيرُ

11. And beheld the face of the sheikh radiantly shining,
And were certain that religion belongs to God alone,

١١. وَأَبصَرتَ أُنسَ الزُهدِ في وَحشَةِ البِلى
وَشاهَدتَ وَجهَ الشَيخِ وَهوَ مُنيرُ

12. That the tombs of ascetics are palaces,
Then stop, give greetings and show respect, for our sheikh

١٢. وَأَيقَنتَ أَنَّ الدينَ لِلَّهِ وَحدَهُ
وَأَنَّ قُبورَ الزاهِدينَ قُصورُ

13. Is revered despite mortality, dignified and proper.
Ask him about what is hidden from you, for he

١٣. فَقِف ثُمَّ سَلِّم وَاِحتَشِم إِنَّ شَيخَنا
مَهيبٌ عَلى رَغمِ الفَناءِ وَقورُ

14. Knows the secrets of life, is seeing and wise.
He will inform the blind, though you can see,

١٤. وَسائِلهُ عَمّا غابَ عَنكَ فَإِنَّهُ
عَليمٌ بِأَسرارِ الحَياةِ بَصيرُ

15. About what neither letters nor lines have told.
As if with ears that hear the unseen, I hear all

١٥. يُخَبِّرُكَ الأَعمى وَإِن كُنتَ مُبصِراً
بِما لَم تُخَبِّر أَحرُفٌ وَسُطورُ

16. That our teacher answers you, amazing and perplexing.
He calls you "welcome," you who lived as we lived

١٦. كَأَنّي بِسَمعِ الغَيبِ أَسمَعُ كُلَّ ما
يُجيبُ بِهِ أُستاذُنا وَيُحيرُ

17. And died without being led astray by illusion.
You spent a life full of righteousness and piety,

١٧. يُناديكَ أَهلاً بِالَّذي عاشَ عَيشَنا
وَماتَ وَلَم يَدرُج إِلَيهِ غُرورُ

18. So you deserve the reward of the God-fearing.
They call you a philosopher among them, yet you are only

١٨. قَضَيتَ حَياةً مِلؤُها البِرُّ وَالتُقى
فَأَنتَ بِأَجرِ المُتَّقينَ جَديرُ

19. A benefactor and protector.
You are but an ascetic who cried out one cry,

١٩. وَسَمَّوكَ فيهِم فَيلَسوفاً وَأَمسَكوا
وَما أَنتَ إِلّا مُحسِنٌ وَمُجيرُ

20. Whose echo rang out for an hour, then flew away.
You turned from the world, but they rushed to it

٢٠. وَما أَنتَ إِلّا زاهِدٌ صاحَ صَيحَةً
يَرِنُّ صَداها ساعَةً وَيَطيرُ

21. For what it would give them and heap up.
The life of the world is war, and you want it

٢١. سَلَوتَ عَنِ الدُنيا وَلَكِنَّهُم صَبَوا
إِلَيها بِما تُعطيهِمُ وَتَميرُ

22. To be peace, yet the means of strife are many.
The way of civilization insists on mutual slaughter

٢٢. حَياةُ الوَرى حَربٌ وَأَنتَ تُريدُها
سَلاماً وَأَسبابُ الكِفاحِ كَثيرُ

23. And toil, though survival would be effortless.
You try to remove evil though evil has occurred,

٢٣. أَبَت سُنَّةُ العُمرانِ إِلّا تَناحُراً
وَكَدحاً وَلَو أَنَّ البَقاءَ يَسيرُ

24. And seek unalloyed good, which is difficult.
If good and evil did not blend, there would be no proof

٢٤. تُحاوِلُ رَفعَ الشَرِّ وَالشَرُّ واقِعٌ
وَتَطلُبُ مَحضَ الخَيرِ وَهوَ عَسيرُ

25. That God is capable.
Nor would God have sent prophets to guide,

٢٥. وَلَولا اِمتِزاجُ الشَرِّ بِالخَيرِ لَم يَقُم
دَليلٌ عَلى أَنَّ الإِلَهَ قَديرُ

26. Nor would the Prince have aspired to the throne.
Nor would a free man love the lofty, nor would

٢٦. وَلَم يَبعَثِ اللَهُ النَبِيّينَ لِلهُدى
وَلَم يَتَطَلَّع لِلسَريرِ أَميرُ

27. A generous man be satisfied, nor would a poor man hope for wealth.
If good were pure in us, none would call

٢٧. وَلَم يَعشَقِ العَلياءَ حُرٌّ وَلَم يَسُد
كَريمٌ وَلَم يَرجُ الثَراءَ فَقيرُ

28. To God, nor would light shine clear.
None would say, "this philosopher is fortunate"

٢٨. وَلَو كانَ فينا الخَيرُ مَحضاً لَما دَعا
إِلى اللَهِ داعٍ أَو تَبَلَّجَ نورُ

29. Nor would it be said, "this one is learned and wise."
On the path of evil how much good and blessing!

٢٩. وَلا قيلَ هَذا فَيلَسوفٌ مُوَفَّقٌ
وَلا قيلَ هَذا عالِمٌ وَخَبيرُ

30. On the path of goodness, how much wickedness and sin!
Do you not see that before you I stood calling

٣٠. فَكَم في طَريقِ الشَرِّ خَيرٌ وَنِعمَةٌ
وَكَم في طَريقِ الطَيِّباتِ شُرورُ

31. To asceticism, with no ally coming to my aid?
They obeyed Epicurus and Socrates before him,

٣١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّي قُمتُ قَبلَكَ داعِياً
إِلى الزُهدِ لا يَأوي إِلَيَّ ظَهيرُ

32. While I am opposed in all I propose and advise.
And I will die while no ambitious person's desires for them

٣٢. أَطاعوا أَبيقوراً وَسُقراطَ قَبلَهُ
وَخولِفتُ فيما أَرتَئي وَأُشيرُ

33. Have died, nor will any conscience reject leadership.
When homes are demolished unjustly, homes are rebuilt

٣٣. وَمِتُّ وَما ماتَت مَطامِعُ طامِعٍ
عَلَيها وَلا أَلقى القِيادَ ضَميرُ

34. For injustice above the stars.
Both of us preached sincerely and died,

٣٤. إِذا هُدِمَت لِلظُلمِ دورٌ تَشَيَّدَت
لَهُ فَوقَ أَكتافِ الكَواكِبِ دورُ

35. While hearts remained like stones.
How many lies were told about the cave of the poor!

٣٥. أَفاضَ كِلانا في النَصيحَةِ جاهِداً
وَماتَ كِلانا وَالقُلوبُ صُخورُ

36. How many false tales were told about the Sheikh of Ma'arra!
The words of a messenger never deterred wrongdoing,

٣٦. فَكَم قيلَ عَن كَهفِ المَساكينِ باطِلٌ
وَكَم قيلَ عَن شَيخِ المَعَرَّةِ زورُ

37. Nor did a warner make the spellbound care for life.
We both overflowed with advice, striving vigorously,

٣٧. وَما صَدَّ عَن فِعلِ الأَذى قَولُ مُرسَلٍ
وَما راعَ مَفتونَ الحَياةِ نَذيرُ