1. The youths went out to protest
And I went out to watch their gathering
١. خَرَجَ الغَواني يَحتَجِجـ
ـنَ وَرُحتُ أَرقُبُ جَمعَهُنَّه
2. When there they donned black attire
As their uniform
٢. فَإِذا بِهِنَّ تَخِذنَ مِن
سودِ الثِيابِ شِعارَهُنَّه
3. Emerging like stars
Shining amidst the darkness
٣. فَطَلَعنَ مِثلَ كَواكِبٍ
يَسطَعنَ في وَسَطِ الدُجُنَّه
4. And marched down the road
Heading towards Saad's house
٤. وَأَخَذنَ يَجتَزنَ الطَريـ
ـقَ وَدارُ سَعدٍ قَصدُهُنَّه
5. Walking under moonlight
Their hair uncovered
٥. يَمشينَ في كَنَفِ الوَقا
رِ وَقَد أَبَنَّ شُعورَهُنَّه
6. When an approaching army
With horses at full gallop
٦. وَإِذا بِجَيشٍ مُقبِلٍ
وَالخَيلُ مُطلَقَةُ الأَعِنَّه
7. And soldiers with swords
Aimed at their necks
٧. وَإِذا الجُنودُ سُيوفُها
قَد صُوِّبَت لِنُحورِهِنَّه
8. Cannons, rifles, and blades
Surrounding them on all sides
٨. وَإِذا المَدافِعُ وَالبَنا
دِقُ وَالصَوارِمُ وَالأَسِنَّه
9. While flowers and basil were
Their only weapons that day
٩. وَالخَيلُ وَالفُرسانُ قَد
ضَرَبَت نِطاقاً حَولَهُنَّه
10. The two armies clashed for hours
Turning the days white with age
١٠. وَالوَردُ وَالرَيحانُ في
ذاكَ النَهارِ سِلاحُهُنَّه
11. The women and girls trembled
With no protector
١١. فَتَطاحَنَ الجَيشانِ سا
عاتٍ تَشيبُ لَها الأَجِنَّه
12. Then scattered in defeat
Fleeing back to their homes
١٢. فَتَضَعضَعَ النِسوانُ وَالـ
ـنِسوانُ لَيسَ لَهُنَّ مُنَّه
13. Let the mighty army rejoice
In their victory and defeat of them
١٣. ثُمَّ اِنهَزَمنَ مُشَتَّتا
تِ الشَملِ نَحوَ قُصورِهِنَّه
14. It was as if the Germans
Had donned veils among them
١٤. فَليَهنَأَ الجَيشُ الفَخو
رُ بِنَصرِهِ وَبِكَسرِهِنَّه
15. And came with Hindenburg
Secretly leading them to Egypt
١٥. فَكَأَنَّما الأَلمانُ قَد
لَبِسوا البَراقِعَ بَينَهُنَّه
16. And so feared their might
And dreaded their cunning
١٦. وَأَتَوا بِهِندِنبُرجَ مُخـ
ـتَفِياً بِمِصرَ يَقودُهُنَّه
١٧. فَلِذاكَ خافوا بَأسَهُـ
ـنَ وَأَشفَقوا مِن كَيدِهِنَّه