
And after Al-Mustafa's stance you had a position

وموقف لك بعد المصطفى افترقت

1. And after Al-Mustafa's stance you had a position
In which the companions parted when their guide was absent

١. وَمَوقِفٍ لَكَ بَعدَ المُصطَفى اِفتَرَقَت
فيهِ الصَحابَةُ لَمّا غابَ هاديها

2. You pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr and he pledged
To the caliphate, both its near and far inhabitants

٢. بايَعتَ فيهِ أَبا بَكرٍ فَبايَعَهُ
عَلى الخِلافَةِ قاصيها وَدانيها

3. And an ordeal was extinguished, without you it would have raged
Among the tribes, and its snakes would have crept

٣. وَأُطفِئَت فِتنَةٌ لَولاكَ لَاِستَعَرَت
بَينَ القَبائِلَ وَاِنسابَت أَفاعيها

4. The Prophet was laid to rest in his chamber
While you agonized, its blood still oozing

٤. باتَ النَبِيُّ مُسَجّىً في حَظيرَتِهِ
وَأَنتَ مُستَعِرُ الأَحشاءِ داميها

5. You wandered among the clamor of people in shock
From news that had spread across the land rampant

٥. تَهيمُ بَينَ عَجيجِ الناسِ في دَهَشٍ
مِن نَبأَةٍ قَد سَرى في الأَرضِ ساريها

6. You shouted, "The soul of Al-Mustafa has been taken!"
"I will avenge him with the sword," you cried defiant

٦. تَصيحُ مَن قالَ نَفسُ المُصطَفى قُبِضَت
عَلَوتُ هامَتَهُ بِالسَيفِ أَبريها

7. Your love of Taha made you forget he was but human
Subject to the laws of creation that all obey diligent

٧. أَنساكَ حُبُّكَ طَهَ أَنَّهُ بَشَرٌ
يُجري عَلَيهِ شُؤونَ الكَونِ مُجريها

8. And that he was destined, as is compulsory
For death, from which no water-bearer will save repentant

٨. وَأَنَّهُ وارِدٌ لا بُدَّ مَورِدَهُ
مِنَ المَنِيَّةِ لا يُعفيهِ ساقيها

9. You forgot, regarding Taha, a verse revealed
Though verses may remind the forgetful penitent

٩. نَسيتَ في حَقِّ طَهَ آيَةً نَزَلَت
وَقَد يُذَكَّرُ بِالآياتِ ناسيها

10. One day you were confused and chaos spread
But your sanity returned and its darkness absent

١٠. ذَهِلتَ يَوماً فَكانَت فِتنَةٌ عَمَمٌ
وَثابَ رُشدُكَ فَاِنجابَت دَياجيها

11. Thus the Saqifah has a day with you its master
In which the caliphate erected its pillars permanent

١١. فَلِلسَقيفَةِ يَومٌ أَنتَ صاحِبُهُ
فيهِ الخِلافَةُ قَد شيدَت أَواسيها

12. The Aws offered a hand to take it
So the Khazraj stretched out hands competing

١٢. مَدَّت لَها الأَوسُ كَفّاً كَي تَناوَلَها
فَمَدَّتِ الخَزرَجُ الأَيدي تُباريها

13. And each group thought its companion
Was worthier of it, and discord came to them fervent

١٣. وَظنَّ كُلُّ فَريقٍ أَنَّ صاحِبَهُم
أَولى بِها وَأَتى الشَحناءَ آتيها

14. Until you came forth, so their greedy hopes receded
And Abu Bakr became brother to its occupants

١٤. حَتّى اِنبَرَيتَ لَهُم فَاِرتَدَّ طامِعُهُم
عَنها وَأَخّى أَبو بَكرٍ أَواخيها